GGF Grid File System Working Group ---------------------------------- IBM Almaden Research Center Apr.23.2004 Participants ------------- Arun Jagatheesan, SDSC Bryan Banister, SDSC Andy Hospodor, Santa Clara University Manuel Pereira,IBM Leo Luan, IBM Cameron Bahar, Storage Machines Ken Wood, Hitachi Osamu Tatebe, AIST Jane Xu, IBM Chung-hao Tan, IBM Morning Session - Opening comments ------------------------------------- - Welcome to participate in writing the working document. Co-authors list will be determined later. - Welcome to introduce other research topics in our working group. --- PRESENTATIONS OF RELATED WORK -------- Arun - A Language for Grid File System ---------------------------------------- - Use Case / Example (the existing system running at SDSC) - Render various sources of physical data into a uniform, logical view - Multiple organization can be grouped into a virtual organization. - Question specific to SDSC project - Namespace, file collection, file layout - Security, ACL, security across organizations - Replications - Queries based by semantic - Customed client-side drivers, API for application - Need for standard description language - Description of XML Schema of data entities - Virtual directory, data set, ACL, listing - What is "data set"? need to clarify (other GGF working group also define data set) - How do we handle differnet version of a file? How do we view them? - Description of logical resources, opeartions - Language Requirement - simple yet flexible - aggregation of operations - asynchrnonous execution - promote using existing standard (e.g. XQuery) - can easily be extended - DGL - examples of operations - Component - How does this fit into the existing proposals from other gorup (e.g. data access group)? - There would be a new working group focus on file access. - Our working group focus on namespace management. Osamu - Architecture of Grid File System ---------------------------------------- - Have a modified NFS server or POSIX client library look up info from "File System Directory Service". - Standardize the interface between "File System Directory Service" and clients - Define the "terminalogy" used in the interface - However, we do not need to standardize the layout/design of the "File System Directory". - Specification of File access services is out of the scope of this design. - Besides Web Services interface, should we allow other kinds of interfaces? - Acceptance issue, interop issue. Leo - GNS(VFDS) Architecture ---------------------------- - Architecture overview - GNS Jnct, VDir, PFSN, LFSN, LFN - paper is available in the GGF website - Component - Global Namespace Service - Location Service - GNS mapping table - Node <-> Type <-> Target e.g. /gfs/ <-> GNS Jnct <-> gns:// - Location service mapping table - Logical Name <-> Physical Name (may have more thanone physical location for a logical name) e.g. rls:// <-> cifs:// - GNS rendering example - NFSv2/3, NFSv4, CIFS, can be a multi-protocol proxy - can possibly leverage other GGF WG work on location service - Security issue, authenication across multiple domains ---------- DISCUSSION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE DELIVERED ------- - Web Services (not Grid Services any more) - Directory PortType - Virtual Directory - Junctions - Atributes and Status - Should we have status (open, lock)? - Define the correct terminology for our works - Virtual Filesystem Directory Service - Grid Namesapce - Virtual directories - Junctions (logical or physical files, filesystem, other filesystem directory service instances) - GSH = an instance of namespace server - What is Virtual File Handle? VFH = GSH + ID - Assemble a team to prepare the directory service document deliverable to GGF - Two documents - Directory service - logical directory service management - manage and use namespace - Architecture - logical filesystem management - interaction with other services - various kinds of resources