GGF8 GRAAP Meeting Minutes GGF IP Statement and sign-in ---------------------------- Agenda ------ Charter ------- - WG Context, milestones, scope clarification (all on web site) Current State of the WG and Activities -------------------------------------- - Requirements document updated after GGF7, submitted to mailing list, submitted to GGF editor for review as informational document. - State of the art document submitted to mailing list, *consensus that it should be submitted to GGF editor for review as informational document.* - WG web site moving entirely to GridForge ( Liasons ------- Missing Groups? CMM WG (Jim Pruyne on interim basis, would like to have a new volunteer) DAIS Newly added (Karl Czajkowski (KarlC) volunteers) Grid High Performance networking group (Volker Volunteers) GSI, KarlC suggests dropping that relationship ACE-RG (Stephen Pickles in place of Michael Daw for right now) WRT to ACE-RG: There was discussion on the mailing list about ACE looking at GRAAP as an approach to meeting room reservation. Decision that this should be captured in another use case document since the current use case document is already submitted. *Need author(s) for this document.* Storage Resource Management Group might be a good link, but not a full GGF WG/RG at this time. So no liason assigned. Operations Document (available on GridForge web site) ------------------- Discussion of where the SLA content/language is coming from. Policy BoF/RG is possible, must see how it evolves. JSDL BoF/WG is likely for the job/task sla type language. In discussion of the state diagram, Jon MacLaren (JonM) suggests further scenarios or a more complete (set of) state diagrams because one diagram does not seem to fully capture the full set of possibilities. He volunteers to give this clarified diagram or description a shot. Discussion of need for polymorphism and distinction between SLA types. General questions: Will all cases fit our current view of the types of SLAs? Can we model composition and dependency cleanly on its own? Clarification that port types (i.e. WSDL) are simply out of scope of this document by design. Prefer higher level first view before diving to that level of detail. Question: without port types, what's the future of this document if later lower level description becomes inconsistent. Does it serve as primer? Volker Answers: Ultimately, the idea was to set milestones that are doable between GGF dates. Security concerns discussed. Consensus that we should push out a document describing security concerns for consumption by OGSA Security related WGs. *Volunteers for this document are needed.* Open Discussion --------------- Discussion of OGSI-Agreement (slides available on web site) Clarification of agreement components (T., S., R.A. in the diagram in the slides) Closenss and relevancy also to the work in the GESA-WG was noted. Using GESA needs as a test of OGSI-Agreements power/generality was suggested. Discussion to clarify relation of lifetime of agreements to the lifetime of any agreed upon underlying service. These are actually orthogonal and need not be specifically related. Request for use cases from OGSI-Agreement to be pushed into GRAAP use cases. Monitoring portion of agreement applies largely to the management system and perhaps a third-party auditor. No one aware of anything that can be pulled from web services work that's related. This seems to be new ground in general. Large consensus (no dissention) that we bring the OGSI-Agreement document within scope of GRAAP. *To be discussed explicitly on the mailing list.* Expectation that a security model around the terms of the agreement are needed beyond the OGSI-Security. model. *Kate Keahey and Sam Meder volunteer.* Push request on to the list. *Update our milestone to include this.*