Notes taken by Philipp Wieder with additions from Wolfgang Ziegler Session #1 (wrap-up session) ---------------------------- [please see slides on GridForge for details] - Agenda - Progress until GGF 16: * Mainly working on comments recieved for the WS-Agreement specification [Note: details below] * Current plan: WS-Agreement specification ready end May 2006 * Use case document submitted for public comment [Note: see] - Status of the WS-Agreement specification * 106 issues discussed after the last public comment period * All of them have been discussed, but not all decisions are currently reflected in the document * Status of the discussions reported in an excel sheet * Decision: New features will be addressed in the next version of the specification * One main issue: Re-introduction of the Expiration (Cancel) operation * Presentation of the issues and the respective discussion/resolution (Toshi) * Remaining things to do: Add of explanatory text to address the comments and check XSD/WSDL in the appendix for consistency + Discussion on the specification: + Question (Stephen): Decision made on breaking up the specification? - Answer (Toshi): Yes, it is not done at the moment due to the lack of time. + Note: There is a lot of stuff to be implemented to be interoperable (which may not be needed by many users). Maybe profiles are an option to solve this issue. + Discussion on iteroperability of WS-Agreement implementations: Task of GRAAP to define interop. requirements for WS-Agreement implementations, which would imply common terms. - [Action] Contact Interoperability BoF mailing list to get an idea of what other people are doing. + Suggestion: Ask people which kind of terms they need/would like to implement. Maybe organise a workshop at GGF to elaborate that. + It has been highlighted that the first priority currently is to make WS-Agreement a Proposed Recommendation since people wait for it before they commit to implement it. - Next steps * Work on comments until end of May 2006 * Final version & submission end of May 2006 * Proposed Recommendation status June/July 2006 * Implementations * Micro-specifications * Discussion: + Proposal from GGF 15 has been to implement an WS-Agreement server (using JSDL). This may be done by students at Fraunhofer SCAI. + Document on micro-specs and dissemination of the results from different implementations/projects is needed. Will help people to see what is out there instead of defining there own domain-spcific terms. + Workshop would be a good idea to bring the WS-Agreement community together and discuss micro-specs and other topics. Should be disseminated also outside the GRAAP mailing list. GGF 18 (together with Gridworld/Globusworld) might be a good place. + Also contact F. Travostino to get feedback from the IPsphere people from (to get more info what is needed from a network (provider) point of view. session #2 (presentations on dynamic SLAs) ------------------------------------------ [please see slides on GridForge for details] - Presentation (Omer Rana) - "Dynamic SLSa" * Guarantees and SLOs as ranges or functions * EU-Catnets project * WS-QoC * Discussion: + It would be good to record use cases for dynamic SLAs. (see the slides of GRAAP#3 with the results of the discussion) - Presentation (Viktor Yarmolenko) - "Dynamic Agreements: A Function Based Approach to WS-Agreement" * Discussion on whether and, if yes, how functions should extend WS-Agreement (see the slides of GRAAP#3 with the results of the discussion) session #3 (next steps & discussion) ------------------------------------ [please see slides on GridForge for details] - Discussion of next steps * Use case document for dynamic SLAs + Contributions from Omer, Viktor, VIOLA project, (?) Cremona project (?) + GSA-RG template provided by Philipp [Note: Already done] + First version within three weeks after nGGF 17 + Try to publish before GGF 18 * Micro specs (long-term focus; topics with a name assigned are in focus first) + Domain-specific terms # Submission of computational jobs (most probably covered by JSDL 1.0) # Network (Wolgang, Franco Travostino, IPsphere forum) # Storage (GRIDCC probably, LUCIFER (in six months) # Access to data (no contributers currently, are there GGF WGs?) # Software licenses # Instruments like telescopes (GRIDCC use cases) # Advance reservation # Penalties (Asit (?), Heiko (?)) # -> Probably derive XML schemata from CIM for part of the specs (like work done at FZJ) + Common domain-independent terms # E.g. start-time and duration # Advance reservation * Workshops on implementations & interoperability, Sept. 10 (the day before GGF 18) + Publish to GRAAP, European Grid projects,, Web Services mailing list (ask Heiko) + Submission of the workshop proposal within 14 days from now + No full paper, but two-page description; rather short but focussed presentation + Summary will be published and submitted to a conferences etc. + Draft invitation: Omer & Philipp + Ramin will check room + "Use cases" from Hiro's GGF 17 keynote? # Possible contribution to the Workshop: OGSA use cases as presented by Hiro in the keynote * Web space to collect & provide information on implementation & current practice + Should be located in GRAAP space at GridForge + New GridForge version should have Wiki and other functionality that supports collaborative work (probably before GGF 18) * Aggregation of agreements -> no time for discussion left