Minutes of the Data Design Team telcon, 8th September 2004. (These minutes are rather sketchy, for which I apologise). 1) Early discussion (5 min) Note taker assignment Roll call Telcon minutes approval Agenda bashing 2) Update on plans for next FTF & GGF Dave has mailed the other WGs. Sessions: overview, raise questions. 3) Technical discussion (30 min) Updates on ongoing work. * Allen on Data Federation Allen re-sent note. Stake in ground for generic federation of data sources. Factories (generic). Can change characteristics by add/remove sources. Specific federations may allow more operations (e.g. relational sources with common schema). Add Access mechanism, e.g. to add an XQuery mechanism to a federation (if its capable of supporting it). Q. from Simon: what does this mean in a WS context? Can you add interfaces to a WS? Perhaps deploy a new WS that accesses the resource. If this pattern of behaviour is important then we should tie down how this might be implemented. At some point need to define policies common across all data federations. Punted on schema integration – hid in transformation engine that sits inside the data federation. Possibly might sit in specific instances (e.g. relational). Andrew: lower level – how do you name and authorise access to data services, and handle VOs. Dave – mostly dealt with by other parts of OGSA. Next step: Does this capture the generality of what data federation actually is? DAIS just discusses access. * Andrew on Files Andrew has updated strawman document. Focus on services, not user-level APIs. Discussion of stateful vs. stateless sessions. Will add a note about two-level nature of data services. Expects to tie in very well with data federation discussion. Reponse from OGSA F2F re JNDI: Don’t want to incorporate language-specific standards, not in most cases proprietary standards. * Naming: Dave – discussion with Norman and Malcolm. E>g. using Oracle abstract name. Andrew – ability to resolve that Oracle abstract name to an address included a name. I.e. federate abstract naming scheme. WS will be global enough for us! * Mario et al on Metadata, etc. Not much work recently. Lots of scoping. Worrying about what metadata should be stored in services and which in registries. Nothing about specific metadata – lots of work in DAIS and CGS. Latest version does have summary to begin. Can forward to some people. Simon to review it and send to me. 4) Glossary items Postponed 5) Wrap up (5 min) DONM: next week.