Minutes of the Data Design Team telcon, 7th July 2004. 1) Early discussion Roll call: Dave Berry (chair and note taker) Brian COllins Mario Antonioletti Simon Laws Gavin McCance Susan Malaika Inderpal Narang Agenda bashing: We added an entry to discuss the OGSA Glossary entry for "Data Resource". This arises from an e-mail discussion initiated by Mario. 2) Final arrangements for summer FTF Brian reported that everyone has been registered and that lunches have been organised. He confirmed that break-out sessions can be held in open spaces, but that access to data projectors can't be guaranteed for the break out sessions. We confirmed the start time as 10am Thursday and the finish as 4pm Friday. Inderpal may be attending, possibly Jay Unger too. 3) OGSA Glossary The issue here is that the entry for "Data Resource", although taken from the OGSA-DAI Glossary, doesn't match the way we now use the term. Simon explained that the current (OGSA-DAI) definitions arose from particular terminology in an early presentation. Roughly that usage of "Data Source" = our "Data Resource", that "Data Resource" = our "Data Service". After some discussion we decided to use Mario's definition of "Data Resource". [This was later modified to replace "object" with "entity"]. Mario expressed concern that some people at GGF11 had had reservations that the definition was too general. We decided that Mario's definition is much better than the existing one and that it could be refined later if need be, e.g. during the period for public comment or in a later version of the glossary. 4) Summary of Data area "Gap Analysis" See Susan's charts. Slides 1-10 summarise a paper produced and sent to data are groups before GGF10. Slide 3: Info-D now a group. Slide 4: RGIS has closed down CGS/Data Area are working well together Slide 5: List of data topics (not mapped to groups) Slide 6: trying to group things and see what is missing/overlapping Slide 7: coverage Slide 8: gaps (building on UK e-Science and GGF-9 study) Slide 9: Recommended actions. Slide 10: Summarises the above Slide 11: Lists the groups consulted Slide 12: Summarises the responses. Most groups were unhappy with how the paper mapped them to the concept space and some suggested alternative concept spaces. Slide 13: Our group is addressing some of the concerns. Slide 14: Plans to turn the report into a GGF informational document. Inderpal asked what the split is between the Information and Data areas. We noted that in the context of OGSA, "Information Services" refers to logging, monitoring and discovery services. Susan undertook to contact the people concerned and produce a clear statement of the different areas. Inderpal also asked why comms should be split from the data area. Susan replied that the original combination was to make a reasonably-sized area at the time; now that more data groups exist the combination is less appropriate. Inderpal asked where messaging would fit, given that it combines elements of both. Susan suggested that it would belong in the architecture area. There was some discussion of this and Susan decided to write a short proposal. Dave noted that this group could use the concept space to review the design of the architecture that we produce. We could also use the mapping to groups to help plan our roadmap. He asked whether the authors plan to revise their "concept space" or the mapping in the light of the feedback from the groups. 5) Discussion of Architecture Properties Mario didn't understand the term "properties" in this context. We decided that "Non-functional capabilities" would be clearer. [Dave later added some clarifying text to the OGSA v1.0 document]. Mario asked for clarification about the role of the OGSA v1.0 document in next week's FTF. Dave explained that is was an input to the meeting. The aim of the meeting is to produce an architecture that implements the capabilities described in the v1.0 document. 6) Wrap up DONM: FTF next week