Minutes of the OGSA WG Data Design Team telcon, April 6th * Roll Call Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Allen Luniewski, IBM Fred Maciel, Hitachi Dave Berry, NeSC (note taker) * Charter: This was approved by this group last week and by the OGSA WG on Monday. We agreed to send it to GFSG. * F2F Meeting: The OGSA F2F is scheduled for May 22nd to 25th, with May 25th scheduled for data-specific groups. We agreed that we would like to discuss the architecture document, with a session for ByteIO if the ByteIO are interested. Dave will consult with ByteIO and also send message to the mailing list. * Straw man: Dave has revised the structure and is looking for comments. Contributors are now needed to write/update individual sections. Dave to remind contributors. Aim to have revision of document ready 1 week before F2F meeting. * DONM: next week