Minutes of the OGSA Data Design Team telcon, 5th January 2005. 0) Actions arising - Simon to flesh out his metadata question for discussion in a broader group. - Dave to contact Steven Newhouse to arrange any EMS and/or Data discussion in the UK - Dave to produce initial draft of straw man architecture. 1) Early discussion Roll call: Dave Berry, NeSC Ted Anderson, IBM Fred Maciel, Hitachi Simon Laws, IBM Andrew Grimshaw, UVa Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Allen Luniewski, IBM We added a discussion of the GGF13 session plans to the agenda. 2) Update on outstanding actions (5 min) - Dave & Mark to look at Globus XIO library spec. Dave has looked at it: it looks good but is much higher-level than BasicFiles. Suggest we leave this to one side for now. - Simon to extract a list of metadata definitions and gaps from our scenarios work. Simon just sent Dave a doc summarising the results of the metadata work. Issue: Simon found that static metadata (name, description, structure, ownership) against resource, and more dynamic stuff (transport, validity of operations, etc. against service. Is this a valid distinction, or should we make everything a single logical access? Things we access have a life longer than the service, e.g. services may be created to access an RDBMS with SQL interface or an XML interface? Andrew: in past his team found it easier to model it the same way (single API). Simon to flesh out this question for discussion in a broader group. 3) Update on OGSA F2F meeting and ensuing profiles discussion (15 min) Dave gave a report of the meeting. He explained the current emphasis on OGSA "profiles", consisting of stable specifications that work together and provide useful functionality. Some participants of the telcon expressed some concern that the proposal for profiles would be too reactive. Dave is pressing for the OGSA WG as a whole to provide a mechanism for identifying GGF specifications that we desire to become part of future OGSA profiles. 4) Plans for GGF13 and possible UK F2F. We agreed to add GFS and GridFTP to the list of related groups for the session of the Basic Data profiles. Dave to contact Steven Newhouse to arrange any EMS and/or Data discussion in the UK following the UK e-Science meeting in London on Jan 31st. 5) Plans for architecture work (15 min) Very brief - Andrew and Allen have sent comments. Dave to produce initial draft. 6) Wrap up (5 min) DONM - next week.