Minutes of the OGSA WG Data Design Team telcon, 29th March 2005 * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) Mark Morgan, University of Virginia Fred Maciel, Hitachi Allen Luniewski, IBM Anne Chervenak, ISI Mario, EPCC * Apologies Andrew Grimshaw * Discussion of charter The reasons for making a WG were approved. Hiro's mail to the OGSA WG raised the question of whether to include a profile in the current charter and milestones. Allen wasn't clear what Hiro's concerns are. Mario asked whether we know what would be in the profile, e.g. WSDM. Fred said that it's up to us whether we use WSDM. Mario said that it's too early for a recommendation profile; Dave agreed. Dave's concern is that the WG charter will commit us to work and deadlines that we might not be able to make. We revisited this later. Fred raised a process question: will a profile generated by OGSA-D be seen as an OGSA profile? Or do we have to submit it to the OGSA WG itself. Action: discuss with OGSA WG. The first part of the scope section was approved. Dave suggested that this is the place to mention rechartering. Anne commented that the GFSG likes clear scope and therefore would probably appreciate a statement that a profile is currently out of scope. Allen noted that while you can liaise with a group, you can't liaise with a specification. The last paragraph of the scope section triggered some discussion. Allen said he would be nervous about omitting replication and Anne said that she's willing to participate. Dave suggested adding transactions to the list of excluded items. Allen suggested mentioning QoS, performance, policies. Fred suggested that the management section should say that current membership will recruit more people. The pre-existing documents section should mention documents from DAIS, GFS, etc. Fred suggested that another exit strategy may be to re-merge with OGSA WG as a design team. Dave concurred, saying that he had this in mind and that it would be good to make it explicit. Fred suggested giving more detail to the seven questions, e.g. listing members in the answer to question 5. Allen suggested running the current draft past the Data Area chairs first to see if they are happy. Action: Dave will send round another draft of the charter. We will discuss again next week and send onto GFSG. * ByteIO update GFSG have discussed the proposal and are generally in favour. * Straw man document Dave suggested some refinements to the structure, such as making data transfer interfaces part of data virtualization section. This would then be suitable for people to contribute various sub-sections. Mario asked how much detail is needed about interfaces. Dave replied that the architecture should describe the interfaces and key operations, saying how they fitted into the architecture. The details should be left to the specifications. Anne volunteering to write replication section. Dave asked whether she had in mind just read-only data and Anne clarified that she does intend to handle updates. Allen agreed this is important. Allen and Anne agreed to work together. Mario to work with Simon and Susan re DAIS contributions.