1) Early discussion Roll Call: Dave Berry (chair and note take) Dave Snelling Arun Jagatheesan 2) Recap of session plans for GGF11 The 1st session is a presentation of OGSA data architecture. The plan is to summarise the work of the team so far, summarise the document section, and how this relates to other WGs. A few thoughts on architecture will follow to stimulate discussion & interest. Dave Berry to produce draft slides for Andrew Grimshaw. The following OGSA panel will now invite the panellists to talk about how the various areas of the OGSA services will benefit application users. Malcolm Atkinson has been invited to give a talk about data services. Jeffrin will talk about managing a data centre; Ravi about EMS. For the design team session, Dave Berry suggested that we focus on the relationship with other areas of OGSA/GGF. We could go through items in the document section 1-by-1, trying to find overlaps with other groups. We should also discuss plans for FTF meeting. 3) Plans for summer FTF Dave requested more responses to help plan the summer FTF meeting in the UK. 4) Review recent changes to data section of the GGF11 document. Arun commented that the section on client APIs was not clear whether OGSA will specify the definition of the mappings from client APIs to OGSA messages. We agreed that in general this lies outwith OGSA; OGSA will just attempt to ensure that such mappings are reasonably straightforward. Arun also pointed out that the full OGSA functionality may not be available through legacy APIs. Arun also said that in the Example Scenarios section, the sentence that attempts to distinguish federation from replication was not clear. 5) Architecture discussion We discussed the key non-functional properties that the architecture must satisfy. We drew up the following provisional list, which reflects our views and will at least serve to stimulate discussion: - Scalability in several dimensions, e.g. large data sets, large number of data sets, size of data flows. - Support for multiple/variable levels of coherency (for replicated/federated data). - The ability to compose services while minimising unnecessary movement of data. 6) Wrap up (5 min) DONM: GGF11