Minutes of the Data Design Team telcon, 25th August, 2004 0) Summary of actions arising Dave to plan agenda for GGF12 FTF, develop relevant "marketing material" of where we have got to, and approach WG chairs and other potential contributors. Simon, Susan, Mario to add summary to metadata document by Sep 8th. Info-D to discuss replication and caching. Mario to mail Andrew the DAIS documents. 1) Early discussion Roll call: Dave Berry, NeSC (chair, note taker) Simon Laws, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Susan Malaika, IBM Andrew Grimshaw, U. Virginia Agenda bashing: We added an informal report on the OGSA WG FTF meeting of last week. 2) OGSA WG FTF Report Andrew gave feedback on the aspects of the FTF meeting that affected the data design team. Andrew raised the meta-items from the Data FTF in July - Naming - Factories: no formalized way of instantiating things - Migration - Change management - Multi-valued functions (return more than one result to possibly more than zero party) New design team: requirements for naming and integration with WSDM etc. Initial meeting for requirements and existing naming schemes. Will try to involve Microsoft as well as the other parties who are already engaged. The OGSA FTF discussed the data roadmap at great length for whether it is a good template for the overall roadmap. The conclusion was that the overall roadmap will be based on ours, but also needs to step back and determine dependencies. The OGSA FTF had a productive discussions with people from WSDM. There are many things that OGSA can use from WSDM. The OGSA FTF had a discussion on interation with WGs vs refactoring architecture. Andrew argued that we should take some of the data WGs as first examples (e.g. files, DAIS?). OGSA's first attempt should be successful, so perhaps a file WG is one of the best options? In response to this (at our telcon) Susan asked whether files are simpler than databases. We noted that DAIS is more advanced than most other WGs. Mario will forward the DAIS documents to Andrew when they are ready for submission to GGF12. We concluded that we need to talk to WGs about this. Currently it is too early to present an overall picture to them but we can focus on key areas. Dave will prepare some appropriate material. Our telcon had a discussion on how WGs will be incorporated into the OGSA architecture. It seems likely that the OGSA WG as a whole would have to agree to the proposal. Adoption will be by including references to WG specs in OGSA documents. 3) Update on plans for next FTF & GGF (5 min) Dave has talked to Peter Clarke, who is happy for us to approach WG co-chairs. Arun (of GFS) has already suggested a meeting at GGF. We discussed the schedule of the design team FTF. Possible items for discussion include: Files; Metadata; CGS; issues from last FTF. We probably can't discuss everything in the one day. 4) Review of the current strawman on metadata services (30 min) See https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/Metadata_Services_23_Aug_2004/en/1 The main issue facing the authors of the document was one of scope. It became clear that at its broadest, metadata is an issue that should permeate the entire design of OGSA. In particular, there is a question of whether we should separate metadata in its truest sense -- data about data -- from data about OGSA services in general. WSRF Resource Properties are one solution to representing service data; should they be the only way that data about services should be held? The strawman also addresses broad issues such as security that should involve the wider OGSA WG. We agreed to invite other members of OGSA to discuss metadata at part of the Data FTF at GGF12. In particular the Information Services Design Team may have a particular interest in registries. Meanwhile Simon, Susan, Mario will add a summary section to the strawman by Sep 8th, to make it easier to read. We intend to concentrate on metadata for files and databases (which may require separate mechanisms) as these reflect the focus of this Design Team. Other issues will be raised as items for the broader OGSA WG. 5) Glossary items This item was postponed due to lack of time. 6) Wrap up (5 min) DONM: 8th September at the usual time. Topic: Data Federation.