OGSA Data Services telcon on 14 Apr 2004. 1. Early Discussion -------------------- Note Taker: Peter Clarke Present: Simon Laws, Dave Pearson, Andrew Grimshaw, David Martin, Susan Malaika, Ravi Subramaniam, Dave Berry News: EGEE will provide Jean-Phillipe Baud Erwin Laure Peter Kunst also indicated he would try to join Actions: 1) everyone to submit use cases DAIS - done OGSA - done AVAKI - Andrew about to circulate Data Warehousing - Dave Pearson - ongoing Data mining - Susan Malaika - ongoing 2) Send list of services - Dave Berry - done 3) Draft explanation of the relationship between our work and the existing Data Services document - Dave Berry - ongoing 4) Chase EGEE - P.Clarke, Dave Berry - done New actions: - Use cases to be submitted by Wednesday 28th April - All to read use cases before extended telcon - Andrew to iterate list of services - Andrew to remove Avaki-specific references from his use cases - All to test connectivity of collaboration technology Agenda bashing: none 2. Draft list of services ------------------------- See mail from Dave Berry from trawl of existing documents. A.G pointed out that list so far is rather high level and shows capabilities rahter than services. It was confirmed that we intend to drill down to at least a next level of detail. Discussed canonical procedure: go over use cases and write down list of atomic requirements. Look for common services and characteristics. In an ideal world we would list all atomic requirements but time constraints suggest a pragmatic approach that focusses on the common services. A.G asked are we sure we could write down the list of identities of things we want to work on. Do all such things map to EPRs ? We need to capture any data-specific requirements and give them to the relevant people in the OGSA-WG. A.G: must go over use cases in detail on telecon of 30th. This means doing some real homework in advance. A.G will drill down on list of services for next call, and try to break into components. 3. Use case review ------------------ D.B: DAIS document - people in Edinburgh have concerns about how patterns therein should be implemented to avoid un-necessary copying. Question: is there subset of workflow language for moving data round, without necessarily having to implement all possible workflows. D.P: Info-D group have been looking at deferred delivery. P.C confirmed that a simple "deliver payload P to destination D by time T" is mandatory 4. Planning for next weeks extended telcon ------------------------------------------ All use cases needed in advance (Wednesday?). People must read these before the meeting. Draft agenda: 1. Review range of use cases 2. In-depth discussion of selected use cases (possibly just 1 or 2) -- time constrained 3. Tease out components and characteristics 4. Compare to Andrew's breakdown of services 5. Iterate... Collaboration tools: Option 1: NetMeeting to Option 2: An IBM system -- info to follow from David Martin/Susan