Minutes of the OGSA Data Design Team telcon, 20th April 2005 0) Actions arising - Dave to mail contributors re common section structure. [Done] - Dave to add version number to header and accept current changes. [Done] - Dave to ask NextGrid/InfoD about transfer to non-service endpoints. [Done] - Allen to get in touch with Steve Crumb about setting up the WG. [Done] - Dave to mail F2F meeting info to relevant people who aren't on the OGSA WG mailing list. [Done] - Dave to propose a presentation of data area work to the main OGSA F2F. [Done] - Dave to ping Malcolm regarding data transfer discussions at the F2F. [Done] - Dave to mail contributors to see which weeks they can attend, with an eye to setting agendas. [Done] 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) Mark Morgan, University of Virginia Ann Chervenak, ISI Allen Luniewski, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Fred Maciel, Hitachi Apologies: Peter Kunst The minutes were approved. We added "WG progress" to the agenda. 2) Action report - Allen to discuss replication & InfoD with Cecille. [Allen has had an initial conversation. The InfoD position on replication isn't clear at the moment. Allen will continue conversations with Cecille.] - Dave to find consensus on meeting date. [This will be on May 26th. Dave to mail Hiro to tell him that Mario and Neil will be attending]. - Dave to mail contributors re common section structure. TBD - Dave to add version number to header and accept current changes. TBD - Dave to ask NextGrid/InfoD about transfer to non-service endpoints. TBD 3) WG progress GFSG have approved the OGSA-D WG, so we are now a working group. Allen to get in touch with Steve Crumb about the next steps. 4) F2F planning - Date: May 26th. Place: London. Dave to mail meeting info to relevant people who aren't on the OGSA WG mailing list. - Initial discussion of agenda. ByteIO for part of time or as a parallel session. Concentrate on technical discussions rather than document structure Data transfer Integration We will want to specify areas where we want OGSA to provide answers (e.g. policy management). Dave to propose a presentation of data area work on the Monday and Tuesday, to keep Thursday free for technical discussion. Dave to ping Malcolm regarding data transfer discussions at the F2F. 5) Technical content Mario has sent a WS-DAI contribution to Dave, Allen and some DAIS people. Mario will be point of contact between DAIS and OGSA-D. Mario will do another iteration once Dave has sent out his mail about structure. Ann reported that we have a section on replica modelling, then sections on creating replicas, discovery, validation, consistency, managing. Allen have exchanged contributions and are making good progress. Managing replicas is currently a placeholder. It will discuss how to manage the movement of data between replicas. Consistency section is a general discussion about approaches. These are key attributes of the replication architecture. The management will need to mention policy. We hope that OGSA will specify the mechanisms for specifying policy. The discovery section touches on naming. We need to complete this in more detail. We need to look at the RNS document. 6) Architecture document structure Dave gave a summary of the current situation. 7) Wrap up Telcons are booked for the next 8 weeks. We agreed to move the time back to 8am PDT etc. Dave to mail contributors to see which weeks they can attend, with an eye to setting agendas. Dave Berry Research Manager, National e-Science Centre 15 South College St., Edinburgh Tel: +44 131 6514039