Minutes of the OGSA Data WG teleconference, April 26th 2006 0) Actions arising * New actions - Dave to mail Joel to cancel GGF session. - Dave to mail Hiro about OGSA WG F2F - Allen to clarify use of "data transfer" and "data access" in the architecture document. * Ongoing actions - Allen to integrate Neil's changes and put latest version of architecture document online. - Stephen to add a paragraph to the architecture document about reasons for naming, if still needed after Allen's revisions. - Chris to draft GFS scenario - Stephen & Dave to review scenarios doc from a storage perspective. - Stephen & Dave to add interfaces to the scenarios doc. - Dave to draft metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Section authors review security aspects of their sections. 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) Chris Jordan, SDSC Allen Luniewski, IBM 2) Action report - Dave to ask Allen about starting the call earlier next week [Done!] - Dave to draft slides for the OGSA webcast and send them to the list [Done] - Chris to volunteer to be on the panel for the OGSA webcast [Done] - Dave to chase Neil re ByteIO [Done] - Allen to talk to Tom Maguire about EMC's view of SRM. [Tom wasn't at the OGSA F2F after all] - Chris to draft GFS scenario - Stephen & Dave to review scenarios doc from a storage perspective. - Stephen & Dave to add interfaces to the scenarios doc. - Dave to draft metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Stephen to add a paragraph to the architecture document about reasons for naming, if still needed after Allen's revisions. - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Neil to update the ByteIO subsection [Done]; then Allen to put latest version online. - Section authors review security aspects of their sections. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation. [Hiro and Andrew Grimshaw will review]. 3) Webcast preparation The data slides are incorporated into the presentation. Chris is ready to step in if needed to explain them. As a result of the slides, Chris noted that we are not being clear about the distinction between data access and data transfer. Allen to clarify the use of terms in the architecture document. There may be additional questions submitted by chat/mail that we can answer after the webcast. 4) Planning for GGF17 / oGSA F2F As few of us will be there, we decided to abandon this session. Dave to mail Joel. OGSA are planning a F2F in London at the end of June. Dave and Chris could both attend. Dave to mail Hiro. 5) Progress report and issues arising - Storage in the architecture document There are potential holes in the discussion of the cache and federation services. E.g. someone creating a cache might wish to specify that the data be stored on cheap storage rather than expensive ultra-reliable storage. We discussed whether the cache or federation would be passed the storage to use at creation time or whether it would choose the storage itself. We probably need to support both models. 6) Task Planning We need to schedule work and discussion of the following: 1. Review of latest data arch doc 2. Interfaces for arch doc - can we arrange a F2F? 3. Interfaces for scenarios doc - Stephen & Dave. 4. Review scenarios from storage perspective - Stephen & Dave. 5. New GFS scenario - Chris. 6. New Provenance scenario - Stephen 7. Metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Dave? 7) Wrap up There will be no calls for the next two weeks. DONM: May 17th.