Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, April 19th 2006 0) Actions arising * New actions - Dave to ask Allen about starting the call earlier next week. - Dave to draft slides for the OGSA webcast and send them to the list. - Chris to volunteer to be on the panel for the OGSA webcast. - Dave to chase Neil re ByteIO. - Chris to draft GFS scenario * Ongoing actions - Stephen & Dave to review scenarios doc from a storage perspective. - Stephen & Dave to add interfaces to the scenarios doc. - Dave to draft metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Allen to talk to Tom Maguire about EMC's view of SRM. - Stephen to add a paragraph to the architecture document about reasons for naming, if still needed after Allen's revisions. - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Neil to update the ByteIO subsection; then Allen to put latest version online. - Section authors review security aspects of their sections. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation. 1) Early discussion * Roll call Allen Luniewski, IBM Stephen Davey, NeSC Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) Chris Jordan, SDSC Allen had to drop off early. Dave to ask Allen about starting the call earlier next week. 2) Planning for GGF17 Allen has booked a slot for the Friday morning. Allen's travel is unlikely be to resolved in time for GGF. Chris & Dave will not be there. Neil Chue Hong will be there. We agreed to wait another week before deciding whether to abandon this session. 3) Update on GFS & hierarchic naming The GFS WG leaders met on Monday to decide their approach. Manuel is stripping down the RNS document, after which they will focus on mapping of human names to XML docs containing EPRs. The expected time is 2 weeks. Once the initial draft is done, they will solicit input from other interested groups - around/after GGF17. 4) Slides for OGSA webcast Dave has been asked to provide data slides for next week's OGSA webcast. The current draft for the webcast slides can be found at http://tinyurl.com/o5v8u. Suggestion: an introductory slide showing what we're trying to do, followed by the big picture from the Data Architecture document. Dave to send draft slides to the list. Chris volunteered to be on the panel. 5) Progress report and issues arising - Storage in the architecture document - Operations to add data elements to replication systems Allen sent a mail message about storage in the architecture document. We agreed that services should not expose interfaces about the management of their own storage; such control is only required when storage is managed externally. We are not sure how best to itegrate storage management with, e.g., replica management. We need to discuss this further. - Adding interfaces in scenarios. Dave & Stephen met to discuss this and made a good start. The discussion revealed some interesting design issues, some of which have been discussed on the list. Dave and Stephen to review progress. - Provenance scenario. Stephen has sent an initial draft to Luc Moreau and is awaiting his response. - Metadata operations. Dave contacting Simon for clarification of some metadata operations. - General discussion. Dave to chase Neil re ByteIO. Chris to draft GFS scenario 6) Action report - Allen to review architecture document for more places where we need to mention storage [Done]. - Stephen & Dave to review scenarios doc from a storage perspective. - Stephen & Dave to add interfaces to the scenarios doc [Begun]. - Stephen to draft GFS scenario [Chris to take this on]. - Stephen to draft provenance scenario [Done]. - Dave to draft metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Allen to talk to Tom Maguire about EMC's view of SRM. - Dave to forward old message about interface description [Done]. - Stephen to add a paragraph to the architecture document about reasons for naming, if still needed after Allen's revisions. - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Neil to update the ByteIO subsection; then Allen to put latest version online. - Section authors review security aspects of their sections. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation [In progress] 7) Planning We need to schedule work and discussion of the following: 1. Review of latest data arch doc - Need ByteIO input, then Allen to put latest version online. 2. Interfaces for arch doc - can we arrange a F2F? 3. Interfaces for scenarios doc - Stephen & Dave. 4. Review scenarios from storage perspective - Stephen & Dave. 5. New GFS scenario - Chris. 6. New Provenance scenario - Stephen 7. Metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Dave? 7) Wrap up DONM: April 26th