Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, 5th April 2006. 0) Actions arising * New actions - Allen to talk to Tom Maguire about EMC's view of SRM. * Ongoing actions - Dave to forward old message about interface description. - Stephen to add a paragraph to the architecture document about reasons for naming, if still needed after Allen's revisions. - Stephen to add interface names to the scenario diagrams. - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Neil to update the ByteIO subsection. - Section authors review security aspects of their sections. - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation. 1) Early discussion * Roll call Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Chris Jordan, SDSC Allen Luniewski, IBM Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) The minutes were accepted 2) Action report - Allen to book GGF17 session [Done] - Dave to forward old message about interface description. - Stephen to add a paragraph to the architecture document about reasons for naming, if still needed after Allen's revisions. - Stephen to add interface names to the scenario diagrams. - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Neil to update the ByteIO subsection. - Section authors review security aspects of their sections. - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation. 3) Report on SRM session last week. The telcon with GSM WG was a useful discussion. We noted a few points. The SRM spec uses the term "replication" to mean copying files from one storage manager to another. It doesn't handle replica catalogs or consistency management. Arie suggested that replication has three layers. One is data transfer, which is being addressed by the DMIS WG. The middle layer adds the storage management, e.g. reserving storage needed for a copy or dynamically allocating it. The upper layer contains the replica catalog and related architecture. So it should be possible to have a compositional architecture. We need to make sure that our architecture recognises the points where storage needs to be specified. File copying is one. The replication manager interface may be another - or perhaps the client should agree the necessary storage policy with a storage manager and pass the resulting EPR to the replication manager. Allen to talk to Tom Maguire about EMC's view of SRM. The SRM spec has the notion of user ids and authorisation, which are defined by storage resource being addressed. It's not clear whether this is required at the storage management level. The SRM calls seem to require a local userid & authorisation id, rather than a Grid-level userid and authorisation id which the local resource maps to the relevant local ids. We need to examine this in more detail. 4) Report on DMIS session from OGSA F2F DMIS has accepted the need for handling general data in the standard (although first implementations will be files). DMIS now has two phases of work, the second phase being a spec for the negotiation of protocols. While discussing the OGSA F2F, we noted the plans for a common infrastructure stack from IBM, MS, HP & Intel. 5) Progress & planning We need to schedule work and discussion of the following: 1. Review of latest data arch doc - Need ByteIO input, then Allen to put latest version online. 2. Interfaces for arch doc - can we arrange a F2F? 3. Interfaces for scenarios doc - Stephen & Dave. 4a. Review architecture from storage perspective (including security) - Allen 4b. Review scenarios from storage perspective - Stephen & Dave. 5. New GFS scenario - Stephen. 6. New Provenance scenario - Stephen 7. GGF17 planning - Chris hoping to be there, as will Neil. 8. Discussion of DAIS (and ByteIO?) specs - due Apr 10th. 9. Metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Dave? 10. Review of (final?) arch doc. 11. Review of (final?) scenarios doc. 5) Wrap up We discussed topics for future meetings. These need to be firmed up: 12th: Scenarios? 19th: GGF planning 26th: interfaces for scenarios doc? Storage & architecture?