Minutes for the OGSA Data WG telcon, February 1st 2006 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC Allen Luniewski, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Stephen Davey, NeSC Chris Jordan, SDSC The minutes were approved. The distributed agenda was a duplicate of last week's, for which Dave apologised. The agenda was revised as below. 2) Action report - Stephen to add a paragraph to the architecture document about reasons for naming [Wait for Allen's revision] - Stephen will update the scenarios document with comments from the F2F [Done] - Dave to start a mail conversation about managing URIs. [DOne] - Dave to revise the "big picture" diagrams. [Done] - Dave to send draft definition of "data federation" to list for feedback. [Done] - Allen to work on an integration pass, including a scoping section. - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Mario to arrange update of the ByteIO subsection. - Section authors to add security notes to their sections. - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation. 3) Progress & planning update Allen has done most of the integration pass: replication, caching and federation to do. Allen will then work through the foils presented at the oGSA F2F and make sure those are reflected in the text. ETA end of today. Allen will send to list for immediate comment. Interface descriptions need to be fleshed out. Stephen has addressed the comments from the F2F re the scenarios document. Next phase is to annotate steps with actual interfaces. Mario - do we want a Data session at the OGSA F2F meetings? Determine at GGF. Chris - GFS is looking for comments on how it should proceed in relation to OGSA Data, OGSA naming, and possibly recharter. We will meet with them at GGF16. 4) URIs for data formats, etc. A URI could be a canonical reference to the spec, or to a namespace, or arbitrarily chosen. So multiple URIs already exist. Hard/impossible to mandate central creation of these URIs. In the real world they will be created in a distributed, ad-hoc manner. A central registry/repository would be very useful. It must allow multiple URIs for each format, perhaps indexed by the community that has adopted each one. We might want some initial seeds. Dave to raise this at the data area meeting in GGF16. 5) Definition of data federation We adopted Allen's definition. We recognise that there is no univerally-accepted definitions. We will make sure that the Glossary section includes an appropriate disclaimer. Dave to mail Jem re the entry in the OGSA v1.5 glossary. 6) "Big Picture" diagrams We agreed that the first diagram needed explicit boxes for resources, and data transfer should go between these resources. Dave to update diagram and include in revised OGSA 1.5 document. 7) Review diagrams for storage scenarios. We agreed that any interactions between the client and the file space should not be included in the diagram, as these are outwith the architecture. The text should explain that such interactions are possible. In the first diagram, "data service" should be "storage service", and "access service" should be "file service". In the second diagram, the storage service should manage the online storage resource too. The "online storage", "nearline storage" and "file space" boxes should be resources. Stephen to revise diagrams. 8) Wrap up Next meetings: Feb 8th: Document reviews Feb 13th-16th: GGF16 in Athens New Actions: - Dave to raise the question of URIs for data formats (etc) at the GGF16 data area meeting. - Dave to mail Jem re the entry for data federation in the OGSA v1.5 glossary. - Dave to update "big picture" diagram and include in revised OGSA 1.5 document - Stephen to revise diagrams for storage scenarios Ongoing Actions: - Stephen to add a paragraph to the architecture document about reasons for naming, if still needed after Allen's revisions. - Allen to work on an integration pass, including a scoping section, and send the revised version to the list for immediate comment. - Stephen to add interface names to the scenario diagrams. - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Mario to arrange update of the ByteIO subsection. - Section authors to add security notes to their sections. - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation.