Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, December 14th 2005 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (note taker) Chris Jordan, SDSC Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Stephen Davey, NeSC Ann Chervenak, ISI Bob Schiller, ISI Andrew Grimshaw, University of Virginia Mark Morgan, University of Virginia Minutes were approved. 2) Action report * New actions - Dave to investigate Skype or phone for OGSA Data session at F2F. - Mark to post UVa's "RNS-lite" document, requesting people to comment. - Stephen to investigate whether transient data is supported. - Allen & Dave to mail GFS saying that we want to collaborate on architectural design. - Allen & Dave to draft message to GFS & ADs, saying RNS is too complicated. * Completed actions - Dave to mail references to documents for next meeting. [Done] - Chris to talk to GFS about telcon on 14th and a possible GGF16 session. [Done] - Dave to ask Ann whether she will be at Sunnyvale [Done; Ann may be in Chicago at that time] - Dave to find out about status of WS-Agreement post GGF15. [To be discussed within OGSA WG] * Ongoing actions - Ann to update replication section. - Everyone to comment on draft RNS specification and send comments to the list. [Retired] - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Mario to update the Access section and make text available for comment. - Section authors to add security notes to their sections. - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document. - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation (after internal reviews). 3) Progess & planning update Dave to investigate Skype or phone for OGSA Data session at F2F. GFS has booked a session at GGF16, so there is no need for us to arrange this. 4) Naming and RNS We discussed whether this specification meets our needs and we have particular needs that we need to pass on. We also discussed whether we think people will implement this specification. On the first question, the RNS spec seems to have the expressive power that we need. The text seems oriented towards naming static data sources and to file systems. It would help if we had an example that showed how RNS would name transient data or a query result that isn't materialised at the time of naming. On the second question, we agreed that the spec seems to be too complicated. Our concern is twofold. First, the complicated spec may discourage people from implementing it (as has happened with other proposed WS specs). Second, the spec includes elements that should be separated into composable elements that may have uses beyond the RNS scenario. E.g. iteration is a general concept (and we may be able to use WS-Enumeration). Logical names are also being addressed by WS-Names; in general it may be possible to compose the human-readable names with any suitable spec for logical names. Mark to post UVa's "RNS-lite" document, requesting people to comment. Stephen to investigate whether transient data is supported. Allen & Dave to draft message to GFS & ADs, saying RNS is too complicated. 5) GFS Architecture document We discussed whether the GFS document could this be a use case for our generic architecture. The GFS documents basically seem to describe requirements, aspirations and design issues. Some of the services that we've described should address a major part of the GFS requirements, but probably not all. We agreed that the GFS work was valuable. It would be good to discuss with the GFS people whether the services we describe could implement part of their architecture, and what parts would remain for future work. Allen & Dave to mail GFS saying that we want to collaborate on architectural design. 6) Wrap up Next meetings: Dec 21st: Full Data Services doc review Dec 28th: No meeting. Jan 4th: No meeting. Jan 11th: ? (Planning for F2F, Status review of documents, ...) Jan 16th-23rd: OGSA F2F in Sunnyvale Dave Berry Research Manager, National e-Science Centre 15 South College St., Edinburgh Tel: +44 131 6514039