Minutes for the OGSA WG telcon, October 26th 1) Early discussion Roll call Stephen Davey, NeSC Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Dave Berry, NeSC (note taker) Ann Chervenak, ISI Chris Jordan, SDSC Allen Luniewski, IBM The minutes and agenda were accepted. 2) Action report - Dave to consult with Abdeslem over where data discovery belongs in the OGSA 1.5 document. [Done; Abdeslem is happy with our current approach] - Dave to mail the list with issues for section reviews [Done] - Dave to add "graceful degradation" to the cross-cutting issues to consider in the architecture document. [Done] - Dave to put reports from GGF on GridForge. [Ongoing] - Peter to rewrite storage management section to reflect changes from GSM-WG [Ongoing] - Allen to write text about policy [Ongoing] - Allen to write an overview section on security [Ongoing] - Section authors to add security notes to their sections, once the overview is ready. - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document [Ongoing] - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation (after internal reviews). 3) Planning update Update on plans for telcon, F2F and document writing 4) Review of access section and associated scenarios Issues that we should consider include, but are not limited to: - Matching scenarios against service descriptions - Level of detail - Security implications - Consistency with other sections - Identify where work is needed on metadata or on naming conventions - Graceful degradation Mario has the write token and has reworded some parts of the Access section. We discussed the structure of the section. Currently it begins with some generic text about requirements and then dives into properties. It isn't clear how generic the properties are. There is nothing on operations and there should be. The WS-DAI and ByteIO specs are covered under a Current Solutions subsection. We agreed to move the properties into the WS-DAI or ByteIO subsections, as appropriate. ByteIO and WS-DAI can be moved up a level, removing the "current solutions" grouping. We should add subsections on BulkIO and security. The architecture should state which areas are covered by which specs and which areas need more work. E.g. the new BulkIO section should note that no group is currently working on this and outline what needs to be done. How much detail is required? For ByteIO the current level of description in the text seems reasonable, although the parameter lists can be removed. WS-DAI should explain which operations are provided. It need not list the details of each instance of the generic interface. The ByteIO section is out of date. The ByteIO WG are currently addressing issues raised at GGF and following telcon. The question was raised whether this addresses the needs of the replication section. One flavour of database replication is covered by DAIS-like queries. Another mechanism looks at database logs and is too product-specific to standardise. There is a question of whether further operations are required for file I/O. Is ByteIO sufficient or do we need operations such as GetFile? Would this be handled by the data transfer section? Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. What about 3rd-party transfers? Could the EPR indicate a session? We suggested that it is marked as future work. We suggested adding to scenarios document. DAIS doesn't support 3rd-party transfers (although OGSA-DAI does). ByteIO allows the specification of a transfer protocol (although it doesn't check consistency). Should we add parameters for destination and transfer protocol? How many implementations will provide this? We would need to check with InfoD, which covers some of this functionality, but which may be too complicated for simple cases. At the GGF transfer session it was suggested that we could specify a logical endpoint, which could be resolved to the transfer manager. A number of the properties seem to apply to the whole data resource; they should apply to a smaller part of it. E.g. does writable and lockable apply to whole resource? These particular ones apply to ByteIO rather than WS-DAI and make more sense there. ConcurrentAccess doesn't seem to make sense. The fourth paragraph in the introduction needs more detail. There was discussion about whether resources are visible. There was discussion about use of MUST/SHOULD language. Mario to pass write token to Allen by end of week and make text available for comment. Mario will keep subtoken on data access section. 5) Wrap up Next meetings: Nov 2nd: Federation Nov 9th: Replication Nov 16th: Storage New actions: - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Mario to pass write token to Allen by end of week and make text available for comment. Ongoing actions: - Dave to put reports from GGF on GridForge. - Peter to rewrite storage management section to reflect changes from GSM-WG - Allen to write text about policy - Allen to write an overview section on security - Section authors to add security notes to their sections, once the overview is ready. - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation (after internal reviews).