Minutes for OGSA Data WG telcon, 28th Sep 2005. 0) Actions arising - Stephen to remind InfoD at tomorrow's call about speaking at streams BOF. - Dave to talk to Neil about ByteIO and streams BOF. - Dave to chase further presenters? - Dave to check online descriptions of all sessions - Dave to mention Use Case session to OGSA WG. - Dave to check with OGSA WG security design team regarding our security session. - Dave to chase section authors re dates for their review sessions - Mario to check whether internal OGSA-DAI notes on security could be released, possibly just to Allen and Dave - Allen to write an overview section on security - Section authors to add security notes to their sections, once the overview is ready. - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation (after internal reviews). 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (note taker) Von Welch, NCSA Stephen Davey, NeSC Mario Antonioletti, EPCC * Apologies Allen Luniewski, IBM The minutes were approved. 2) Action report - Dave to ask ADs to approve the streams BOF [Done]. - Dave to mail Joel and Bill to suggest moving the data transfer BOF [Done]. - Dave to invite people to attend streams BOF [Done] - Dave to propose dates to section authors for their review sessions [Done; need to chase]. - Allen to write an overview section on security [Ongoing]. - Section authors to add security notes to their sections, once the overview is ready. - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get more participation in this WG. - Mario to ask an OGSA-DAI staff member to write something on the security issues around OGSA-DAI [Ally Hume will do this, after October. Mario to check whether internal notes could be released, possibly just to Allen and Dave.] - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation (after internal reviews). 3) Planning the GGF15 Data Streams BOF Dave has confirmation from Beth Plale, David de Roure. There should be a speaker from InfoD. Dave has requested a speaker from SAGA. Stephen to remind InfoD at tomorrow's call about speaking at streams BOF. Dave to talk to Neil about ByteIO and streams BOF. Dave to chase further presenters? Dave to check online descriptions of all sessions 4) Planning the GGF15 Use Cases presentation Stephen will give the initial presentation (15-20 minutes). Allen or Dave to lead discussion. Dave to mention session to OGSA WG. 5) Planning the GGF15 Security session Allen will give a presentation about current OGSA-D plans. Von suggested that AuthZ could give an overview about their API, in particular finer-grained authorisation.. Need to make sure that we capture the results of the conversation. Dave to check with OGSA WG security design team. 6) Planning the GGF15 High-level transfer discussion Advertise this session at the Transfer BOF. Invite Malcolm, InfoD, Bill, Peter. 7) Wrap up Next meeting: 12th Oct. (Stephen will be away).