Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, 31st August 2005 0) Actions arising - Allen to mail list re possible F2F meeting at GGF15 - Dave to contact people about Personal Data services - Dave/Allen to mail David Martin and Joel about running a streams BOF at GGF15 - Dave/Allen to mail Bill/Malcolm to confirm they are available for next week's telcon - Dave to consult OGSA WG security design team re GGF15 session - Dave to submit GGF15 session requests - Allen to contact DFDL WG regarding a discussion on transformations - Everyone to talk with your contacts to get get more participation in this WG - Allen to write an overview section on security - Section authors to add security notes to their sections - Dave/Allen to mail section authors re review telcons - Mario to ask an OGSA-DAI staff member to write something on the security issues around OGSA-DAI - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document - Allen to investigate possibility of writing an article, or letter to the editor, to Grid Today saying that we are working on these issues. We should also invite participation in our efforts. - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation (after internal reviews). 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (note taker) Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Allen Luniewski, IBM Stephen Davey, NeSC Last week's minutes were approved. 2) Action report - Mario to ask an OGSA-DAI staff member to write something on the security issues around OGSA-DAI [Ongoing] - Dave to consult OGSA WG security design team [Ongoing] - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document [Ongoing] - We should write an article, or letter to the editor, to Grid Today saying that we are working on these issues. We should also invite participation in our efforts. [Allen to investigate routes] - How do we get more participation in this WG? Talk with your contacts to get them interested. [Allen has made contact with IBM storage people and with a Fujitsu contact] - Allen/Dave to contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation. (After 1 September). - Allen to put out a version of the architecture document to GridForge by the GGF-15 due date. [Done] - Allen/Dave: Determine GGF-15 sessions at the 31 August teleconference [Done] - Allen to create trackers for the activities identified at the August 24 teleconference. [Done] - Allen: review the list of activities identified at the August 24 call at the 31 August call. We will try to assign people to these activities. [Done] 3) GGF-15 Session Planning We are allowed two sessions, one of 45 minutes and one of 90 minutes, unless we have AD approval. There is an InfoD-WG F2F on the Monday and and OGSA-WG F2F on the Thursday and Friday. We decided not to have an update session, given that we did one in June and we haven't made huge progress since. There may be different people attending in Boston than in Chicago, but not massively so given that both meetings are in the USA. Issues we want to progress: - Security [With OGSA-WG Security Team, AuthZ] - Higher-level data transfer discussion (above the point-to-point level: broadcast, transformation) [with Malcolm, InfoD?] - Streams [with ByteIO, Beth Plale, Bill? BOF?] - Use Cases We decided to use the 45 minute session for Use cases and the 90 minute session for security (60 minutes) and transfer (30 minutes) 4) Activity assignment Security - Dave to make GGF15 session happen. Allen to write an overview section on security. Section authors to add notes to each section. Data Transfer - Next week's telcon? Transformational Services Placeholder - Allen to mail DFDL people re telcon or GGF15 session Personal data services Placeholder - Dave to mail interested parties Data Streams Placeholder - BOF? Review Federation, Review data access, Review replication, Review storage - mail authors re whether the sections are ready for review and when they are available. We want to review these internally before looking for external reviewers. Complete Scenario document - Ask mailing list for contributions Editorial work - in the fullness of time 5) Wrap up DONM: Next week