Minutes from the August 24, 2005 teleconference: 1) Early discussion Note taker assignment -- Allen Roll call Allen Luniewski (IBM) Dave Berry (NeSC) Mario Antonioletti (EPCC) Stephen Davey (NeSC) Minutes approval (http://tinyurl.com/cscc2) (from July 27 teleconference) -- Approved 2) Action report (5 minutes) - Mario to ask an OGSA-DAI staff member to write something on the security issues around OGSA-DAI [Ongoing] - Dave to consult OGSA WG security design team [Ongoing] - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document [Ongoing] - Bill to scope the proposed WG for byte-level transfer. (DONE) 3) Grid Today article: "The 451 Group: Data Mgmt Limitations Delay Grid Deployments" See the August 18 of GridToday: http://news.taborcommunications.com/msgget.jsp?mid=457668 The article asserts that grid deployments in large enterprises are being delayed due to data management limitations. There is a list of requirements is in the article relating to data management: caching data movement data quality data streaming data transformation global resource namespaces replication storage volume virtualization We seem to attacking almost all of these in this WG ACTION (TBD): we should write an article, or letter to the editor, to Grid Today saying that we are working on these issues. We should also invite participation in our efforts. 4) Report from OGSA face to face (15-19 August 2005) (Allen) See the foils that Allen presented at the Data Arch foils on GridForge: https://forge.gridforum.org/projects/ogsa-wg/document/OGSA_Data_Architecture_Status_Report/en/1 ACTION (All): How do we get more participation in this WG? Talk with your contacts to get them interested. ACTION (Allen/Dave): contact David Martin & Hiro Kishimoto to get reviewers & expert participation. After next week. 5) Next steps discussion We identified the following things that need to be done to get our work to a greater state of completion: Security - we need to work with the OGSA security team and the AuthZ WG to complete and validate the security aspects of the architecture Data transfer. Bill Allcock is forming a WG to address the point to point transfer problem. Assuming that this problem is solved, we need to understand how to incorporate that standard into the architecture. We also need to understand how this work impacts other transfer related parts of the architecture (e.g., replication, byte I/O, broadcast transport). There are placeholders in the current document that need to be either completed or deleted: transformational services, personal data service & data streams. We need review sections that seem to be reasonably complete: data access, federation, replication and storage The scenario document needs to be completed. A short paragraph on transactions (pixie dust) needs to be written (Allen) Data streams need to be discussed An editorial pass needs to be done to make to make the document read as a coherent and integrated whole ACTION (Allen): Due date for GGF-15 documents is Aug 26. Put out a version of the architecture document to GridForge by then. ACTION (Allen/Dave): Talk about GGF-15 sessions at the 31 August teleconference ACTION (Allen): Create trackers for the above activities ACTION (Allen): review this list of activities at the 31 August call. We will try to assign people to these activities.