Minutes of the OGSA Data WG Telcon, 22nd July 2005 0) Actions arising - Allen and Dave to mail co-chairs of other groups re our GGF sessions. - Dave to mail list with a summary of his discussion with NeSC security people. - Stephen to update replication use case. - Ann to organise the security notes we've taken so far into a coherent memo that we can take to the security working groups. - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document. 1) Early discussion * Roll call Allen Luniewski, IBM Susan Malaika, IBM Fred Maciel, HItachi Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Stephen Davey, NeSC Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) The minutes were approved. 2) Action report - Allen to ask Julie to swap the 7:30 and 9:00 sessions at GGF [Done] - Allen and Dave to prepare GGF presentations for review at next week's telcon [Done] - Allen and Dave to mail co-chairs of other groups once the revised schedule is confirmed [TBD] - Dave to write short report for OGSA WG [Done] - Allen to attend OGSA WG call [Done] - Stephen to update replication use case [Ongoing] - Dave to write to LSG-RG about security. Dave will approach the OGSA WG security design team about a joint meeting. [Done. We will arrange a joint telcon after GGF.] - Ann will organise the security notes we've taken so far into a coherent memo that we can take to the security working groups. [Ongoing] - Dave will discuss security with the NeSC security people. [Done. Dave to summarise discussion and send to list]. - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document. [Ongoing] 3) GGF preparation - GGF session plan. Nothing else to note. - Other sessions: Some relevant sessions include: DAIS #1: 2.00 Wednesday Info-D: 4.30 Tuesday ByteIO: 11.00 Wednesday Data area: 19.00 Tuesday OGSA-AuthZ: 12.00 Tuesday EGA: 12.00 Tuesday - Review of draft slides Outreach presentation add who is participating as penultimate slide give date when WG was formed add Andrew's architecture picture? add info-D to slide 7 Outreach session plan: If sufficient feedback during presentation, no problem Otherwise, summarise results of the data transfer session... ... and/or solicit response from audience & drill down on particular topics Transfer add slide of related working groups 4) Data transfer No detailed discussion 5) Wrap up DONM: 13th July?