Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, 15th June 2005 0) Actions arising New actions: - Allen to ask Julie to swap the 7:30 and 9:00 sessions at GGF. - Allen and Dave to prepare talks for review at next week's telcon. - Allen and Dave to mail co-chairs of other groups once the revised schedule is confirmed. - Dave to write short report for OGSA WG - Allen to attend OGSA WG call - Stephen to update replication use case - Dave to write to LSG-RG about security Ongoing actions: - Ann will organise the security notes we've taken so far into a coherent memo that we can take to the security working groups. - Dave will discuss security with the NeSC security people. - Dave will approach the OGSA WG security design team about a joint meeting. - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document. 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (note taker) Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Fred Maciel, Hitachi Allen Luniewski, IBM Stephen Davey, NeSC No objections were raised to the minutes. The agenda was augmented with "GGF preparation", "OGSA WG report" and "LSG Research Group". 2) Action report - Dave to reconfigure tracker mail [Done, in that no mail is sent when an artefact is created. We need the GridForge maintainers to correctly configure the tracker to allow messages to the list.] - Dave to reply to Torsten of the TM-RG, inviting him to our session [Done. We are also invited to the TM-RG session.] - Ann will organise the security notes we've taken so far into a coherent memo that we can take to the security working groups.[Ongoing] - Dave will discuss security with the NeSC security people. [Ongoing] - Dave will approach the OGSA WG security design team about a joint meeting. [Ongoing] - Allen will approach the OGSA-AuthZ WG about a joint meeting. [Allen sent them a note inviting them to one of our telcons. He hasn't heard back yet.] - Stephen to iterate on the replication use case. [Done] - Dave to revamp section 3 of the architecture document. [Ongoing] 3) WG status - Trackers. No action necessary. - GGF working drafts. No action necessary. - GGF session plan. We have been allocated early morning and evening slots on the Wednesday. We agreed to swap the 7:30 and 9:00 sessions. Allen to mail Julie (e-mail under GGF contacts). We noted the Data area meeting at 6:30 on Tuesday. - GGF preparation. Allen and Dave to prepare talks for review at next week's telcon. Allen and Dave to mail co-chairs of other groups once the revised schedule is confirmed. - Report to OGSA WG Dave to write short report after this telcon. Allen to attend call. 4) Data Scenarios Stephen talked us through his draft document. We discussed some details of the template and the replication use case. In particular we suggested that the "consumer" in the diagram might be a data service that abstracts the underlying mechanism. This would raise questions about data transfer. Stephen to update replication use case to match the interfaces described in the architecture document. ALso delete the sections on performance and security, replacing them with a sentence in the summary to mention those issues if appropriate. 5) Security requirements for data grids The Life Sciences Grid Research Group mailed the security area asking them to collaborate on security issues that affect life sciences Grids. This has obvious overlaps with our activity on security requirements. Dave to invite the LSG RG to our community meeting at GGF. We should establish a dialog with them to capture and extend our requirements. For next week's agenda: attending the LSG workshop at GGF. 6) Wrap up DONM - Next week. GGF preparations; data transfer.