Minutes for the OGSA Data WG telcon, 18th May 2005 0) Actions Arising - Dave to approach transaction RG re GGF session? - Peter to write a first cut at the Storage section of the architecture document. - Dave to try to arrange data transfer discussion - Allen to cut and paste material into document before F2F. - Dave to forward final meeting info. - Dave to mail round draft agenda. 1) Early discussion Note taker assignment: Dave Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Ann Chervenak, ISI Fred Maciel, Hitachi Stephen Davey, NeSC Neil Chue Hong, EPCC Susan Malaika, IBM Allen Luniewski, IBM Minutes approval (attached, http://tinyurl.com/b4qxv) Agenda bashing 2) Action report - Dave & Allen to add GGF working drafts to agenda for May 18 call [Done] - Dave & Allen to finalize session plan at May 18 call and send in session requests ASAP after that. [Done in this meeting]. - Dave & Allen to make F2F agenda discussion to be part of the May 18 call [Done] - Dave & Allen to publish approximate start and end times for the F2F ASAP to allow people to finalize travel plans. [Now done] - Dave & Allen to make sure the F2F on May 26 should include a session to discuss how to identify data and how to get the bits into and out of storage. [See agenda below] - Peter to write a first cut at the Storage section of the architecture document. [Ongoing] - Dave to try to arrange data transfer discussion. [Ongoing] - Mario to further update the access section. [Done] - Dave to approach transaction RG re GGF session? [Ongoing] 3) Document status - Reports from contributors Overview - No update Metadata - Simon says he will try and write something. Dave to ask? Data Transfer - No progress Data Access - Mario has updated and sent to Susan for comment. Still needs more work. It would be useful to have an update on the ByteIO section. Data Storage - Peter is working on it. Replication - Draft available. Good enough for the moment? Federation - unchanged. Good enough for the moment? 4) WG status (15 min) - GGF working drafts We will submit the document in its "current" state as of next week with a warning on cover page. We will then refresh this before GGF if necessary. Allen to cut and paste material into final document before submission. - GGF session plan - General outreach? Definitely - Transaction RG? Dave to contact - Data Transfer Don't overlap with: OGSA outreach session OGSA naming session OGSA WSDM sessions OGSA security OGSA final session Dave to mail GGF. 5) F2F agenda Allen to paste material together into the document this week so that people can have a look at it before the F2F. - ByteIO (2 hours) - Short presentations about each section, identifying questions for relating to other sections. (1 hour) - Data transfer (1 hour) - Data access (1 hour) - How to identify data and how to get the bits into and out of storage (1 hour) - Overview section (1 hour) - Cross-cutting themes (1 hour) - Wrap-up and futures (30 minutes) Dave to mail round this draft. Allen asked how to address security, policy management, naming? Dave suggested that he presents them to the OGSA WG at Tuesday's F2F. Allen clarified his question: each part of the data architecture may have particular concerns. E.g. Replication: do security tokens get replicated? Storage: security for backup? Access: in some environments a query may be forbidden depending on earlier queries (e.g. finding too much aggregate information). 6) Wrap up Dave to forward final meeting info. Allen requested people to put F2F presentations on web site. Minutes would also be desirable. DONM: F2F Next week. Telcon week after.