Minutes of the OGSA-D WG telcon, 11th May 2005 0) Actions arising - Dave & Allen to add GGF working drafts to agenda for May 18 call. - Dave & Allen to finalize session plan at May 18 call and send in session requests ASAP after that. - Dave & Allen to make F2F agenda discussion to be part of the May 18 call. - Dave & Allen to publish approximate start and end times for the F2F ASAP to allow people to finalize travel plans. - Dave & Allen to make sure the F2F on May 26 should include a session to discuss how to identify data and how to get the bits into and out of storage. - Peter to write a first cut at the Storage section of the architecture document. - Dave to try to arrange data transfer discussion. - Mario to further update the access section. - Dave to approach transaction RG re GGF session? 1) Early discussion Note taker assignment (Allen Luniewski) Roll call Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Peter Kunszt, CERN Allen Luniewski, IBM Fred Maciel, Hitachi Mark Morgan, University of Virginia Minutes approval -- Approved Agenda bashing -- Agenda approved as distributed 2) Action report - Dave to try to arrange data transfer discussion. - Allen to mail Steve about adding Allen and Dave as GridForge admins - Mario to further update the access section. - Dave to approach transaction RG re GGF session? 3) WG status May 27: Working drafts for GGF-14 due June 3: session requests for GGF-14 due Fred: we should get session requests in early so that we are not scheduled all on the last day. 4) F2F update 5) Technical content: Storage Management (Peter Kunszt) Peter led a discussion of what is going on in Storage in GGF and how it relates to the work of this WG. The following are some of the key points and issues that were raised in the discussion: 1. What facilities do databases need for allocating and deallocating storage? 2. Job management needs means to control the amount of storage pre-allocated to a job before it begins as well as ways to control how much storage will be needed after the job completes. 3. There are three types of storage: temporary, durable and permanent. Temporary storage is returned when a job completes. Permanent storage stays around as long as its lifetime indicates. Durable storage is held after a job terminates until its contents are moved to a designated permanent storage area. It was observed that some storage systems do not actually reclaim permanent storage when its lifetime expires. Tape storage was noted as one example. It was also observed that there are few, if any, implementations of durable storage. 4. The OGSA-D WG is being asked to consider ways in which requests for storage space might be done in a way that was generic, not, say, file system specific. 5. The current SRM specification includes a file system interface as an optional component. The general relationship between files and storage, from a specification perspective appears to an open issue at the moment. 6. There is an open issue about naming: what is the relationship between naming at the higher level (e.g., file systems) and the storage level? 7. ACTION (Dave & Allen): the F2F on May 26 should include a session to discuss how to identify data and how to get the bits into and out of storage. In general, what is the relationship between file systems and storage. 8. There is a need to coordinate security across all replicas of data. There are implications on storage. 9. The SRM V2 specification is out now. V3 is due at GGF-15 but that date looks like it may slip. 10. SNIA ILM (Information Lifetime Management) has not been a focus of SRM. Peter to look into this since, per Allen, the commercial world is very interested in ILM. 11. ACTION (Peter): Peter to write a first cut at the Storage section of the architecture document. The target is to have a draft for review ready for the May 25 F2F. 6) Wrap up DONM: May 18th.