Minutes of Data Design Team telcon, 1st December 2004 0) Actions Dave & Mark to look at Globus XIO library spec. Simon to extract a list of metadata definitions and gaps from our scenarios work. 1) Early discussion Roll call: Leo Luan, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Dave Berry, NeSC (Chair and note taker) Mark Morgan, UVa Fred Maciel, Hitachi Simon Laws, IBM The minutes were accepted without comment. Today's agenda was unchanged. 2) Update on outstanding actions - Mark to look at next version of GFS-WG document. [Naming telcon on Monday - see below] - Mark to start revising draft document for UVa implementation. [Overtaken by events] - Manuel to see if Mark can get ahold of draft implementations of GFS/VFDS. [Overtaken by events] - Dave to propose change to time slot [Done] - Focus on metadata interfaces for services and map them onto scenarios [Nothing to report] - Push on Architecture work [Allen & Dave have done some work] 3) BasicFiles and Contexts * Summary of naming telcon: Monday's naming telcon saw a 1 hour discussion of the GFS-WG proposal. The new version of document is close to what OGSA want. OGSA are asking them to take out any reference to files from the generic section. The GFS group are on board with that. OGSA seem likely to adopt this naming scheme. * Summary of current GFS WG document: Three levels: Human -> logical/abstract -> EPRs/resource reference Also possible to map directly from human to resource reference. Virtual directories are not first-class entities. (Andrew and Mark think they should be abstract entities that can be referenced). Document defines Resource Properties, Operations and WSDL. * Dave suggested that we should look at Globus XIO library. It abstracts away differences in protocols. [Dave, Mark: look at XIO] 4) Update on Metadata scenarios This work is now part of the main architecture development. Are there groups that OGSA should be talking to about metadata definitions? Simon to extract a list of metadata definitions and gaps from the documents we have, for taking to the OGSA WG. 5) Plans for F2F * Manuel will aim to be there on the 9th. Would like to swap Data Services (scheduled for the 10th) with EMS (scheduled for the 11th). Fred & Andrew will be there for last two days. Dave will be there all three days. Status: We still need an architecture! Candidate specs: DAIS, GFS Naming, Basic Files. Soliciting: DAIS & GFS, Need to interact with GSM (once we have draft arch), IBM, Oracle?, Hitachi (storage). Others? Need to address: Metadata specs (& general metadata format?), Data movement, Integration with EMS. 6) Wrap up Dave to arrange date of next meeting.