OGSA Data Design Team telcon on 19th May 2004. 1) Early discussion (5 min) Roll Call: Dave Berry (Chair & note taker) Peter Clarke Dave Snelling David Martin Susan Malaika Andrew Grimshaw Agenda bashing: Andrew requested that future meetings move on to discuss architectural issues a.s.a.p. 2) Plans for GGF11 (15 min) Dave B. explained the OGSA-WG plan to submit an informational document to GGF11 describing the capabilities of OGSA. He also explained the plan for OGSA-WG sessions at GGF. Susan said that the Info-D group will provide more text on notification for inclusion in the document. Susan was concerned whether a speaker phone would really be available for the design team discussions. 3) Plans for summer FTF (5 min) Dave B. suggested a FTF meeting after GGF11. Action: Dave B to request input for suitable dates. 4) Review data section of the GGF11 document (30 min) Andrew suggested two additions to the list of scenarios: - direct access to remote data (the simplest use of data services). - caching Andrew suggested that the discussion on layered access could be more clear. He also suggested that the section on Client API’s needed more motivation. There was some discussion to explain the intent of the description – i.e. that the services will make it easy to be accessed by wrappers that implement “legacy” APIs.. The phrase “emulation veneer” was suggested to clarify the intent. This section should also explain the notion of bypassing the legacy or simple interfaces to access the underlying implementation. Andrew pointed out that the section on legal & ethical issues should change "have" -> "may have", "need" -> "may need", etc. A better phrasing would be to say that there may be policy restrictions on access to some data, and OGSA services will have to be able to work within these. The question of naming schemes was raised and a quick review was given of the plan. The details will be fleshed out by a different group. Care is needed to liaise with the main WS community. Susan will send some material on notification. Dave S. mentioned need to discuss this work with the people working on the infrastructure services. Dave B. raised the question of commercial use cases. Susan and Andrew will review the draft with this in mind, but at first glance they were happy with this aspect of the draft. Andrew suggested that “Execution Management Services” should be added to the section on the relation to rest of OGSA. 5) Wrap up (5 min) Next meeting, Wed. 26th May. The emphasis will be on architecture design.