OGSA Data Services telcon on 14 Apr 2004. 0. Conclusions/Actions We will produce PowerPoint descriptions of use cases to work from now, in time for an extended telcon on April 30th. Then potentially parallel development of service descriptions and written use cases. Everyone to submit short use cases, e.g. in powerpoint. - Norman to mail URL to DAIS use cases/patterns - Andrew to submit examples from Avaki - Dave P to submit examples on Data Warehousing, ERP systems - Susan to submit examples of Data Mining, Data Warehousing - Peter and Dave B. to chase EGEE for contributions Dave to send round list of services Dave to draft explanation of the relationship between our work and the existing Data Services document. THere will be another 1 hour telcon next Wednesday (April 21st) but the following week the telcon will be on Friday 30th and will last 2-3 hours. 1. Early Discussion Note Taker: Dave Berry Roll call: Norman Paton Dave Pearson Susan Malaika Peter Clarke Dave Berry Andrew Grimshaw Allen Luniewski Agenda Bashing: Susan suggested that a future meeting should discuss the relationship between the existing Data services document and the work of this design team. Norman -- is there a need for this? Susan -- there has been some discussions offline; people are unsure. We need a written conclusion. Action -- Dave B. 2. Use Cases --------- Dave B: We need more data-oriented use cases. Andrew: Current document is dominated by people willing to write them (academic HPC people, industrial on-demand computing). Dave P: DAIS has use cases/scenarios. Based on projects that use large data sets and oLTP Andrew: Let's add these to the Tier 2 document. Andrew: Large data sets aren't the only issue, also distributed security. Susan: Also Data warehousing (others ..,) Dave P: Agreed Allen: Also science and engineering scenarios in industry. Susan: Dave P.'s scenarios are more patterns than OGSA-style use cases. NOrman: The DQP use case in the OGSA document is from Norman. Andrew: Avaki have lots of use cases in Powerpoint; need to translate into text. Dave B: Can we list the use cases we want to consider? Andrew: Also need to elucidate our requirements on the rest of infrastructure (authentication, etc.) At this point there was a discussion about process, with a consensus that we needed a FTF meeting or extended session at which we wpould start writing. Norman: Start from existing use cases + develop new cases for GGF12 Andrew: Persistent archives doesn't come up often, Whereas we do need file access. Dave B: Need EDG-style use case. Peter: We are pursuing this in EGEE. ANdrew: Derived data products needed. Dave P: Problem: Can cut this in several different ways. E.g. four main activities, then split these in terms of e.g. bulk loading vs. record update Andrew: Three classes of data, file, streams Dave P: Can apply these cuts to each three Susan: Data Warehousing, Distribuuted Data Mining Dave P: These are examples of derived data products Andrew: Use case formats are too high a hurdle. Can we have concrete small descriptions of use cases for us to start with. Norman: Agreed. Dave B: Do we have material we can use as starting points. Norman: DAIS use cases (a.k.a. patterns) - e.g. publish/subscribe. Document submitted to last GGF. Norman will mail URL. Andrew: Has some for OGSA that didn't get included. Will forward to design team. Dave: Powerpoint examples? Andrew: Lots available from Avaki. Dave P: Agree with approach. Can provide use cases for Data warehouses, ERP systems. Susan: Format? Diagrams or bullets? Dave B: Diagrams are good. Dave P: Need non-functional requirements too: e.g. criticality, how many people use them, resilience... These are easier to state as bullet points. Consensus: Produce powerpoint descriptions of use cases to work from now, in time for an extended telcon at the end of the month. Then potentially parallel development of service descriptions and written use cases. 3. List of Services We did not address this. Dave will mail round a preliminary list to start the discussion. 4. Wrap up AOB: As Allen had joined the call, Susan asked Allen about Data Services document Norman: There is a clear separation of roles. Dave B: Another way of looking at the question -- Where does this the Data Services document fit in OGSA? Norman: Held by DAIS. Not all services fit in this context. Review of Actions: (See top of document) DONM: Call on 21st, miss 28th. 30th for long call: 2-3 hours.