Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, 17th Jan 2008 1) Early discussion: * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Allen Luniewski, IBM 2) Status review OGF has published the OGSA Data Architecture document. This completes all our tasks from the group charter. We were also working on a Scenarios document. None of the current membership have time to continue this effort. We are willing to contribute sections to OGSA documents (such as a revision to the OGSA 1.5 document and the OGSA Primer document). 3) OGF22 Mario will be at OGF. We have booked a session to present our current status. We propose to write a short memo that sets out what the OGF needs to work on next. This will include specs that are needed within the current architecture, steps to encourage the uptake of the architecture, and suggested areas to include in a revision of the architecture. Mario will present this material in the OGF session. 4) What next? Neither Allen nor Dave can continue to work as chairs. Unless someone steps forward to drive the work, this group will probably fold. We hope that other people will develop this work, in some forum or another. 5) Actions Allen to draft an outline of the memo. We will aim to finish the memo by the 8th or 15th February. 6) DONM TBD.