Minutes of the OGSA-D telcon, 7th September 2007 * Roll call Allen Luniewski, IBM Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) Mario Antonioletti, EPCC * Architecture Document The document is basically ready for release. Allen noted that our storage management section has not kept up with changes in the SRM specification. We decided to wait and see if people raised this during public comment. Ww need to add a reference to the SRM document. Mario noted that the mapping table for DAIS needs to be reformatted. We haven't heard back from Hiro or Andreas. Greg replied regarding formatting and his comments have been included. Dave has suggested some extra text for the conclusion, which Allen and Mario agreed with. Andreas suggested a change to the definition of "Storage Resource". * Work items All work items are complete. Allen will mark remaining tracker artefacts as v2.0 * Next step We will issue a final call - asking for responses within a week, CC'ing the OGSA WG list. * OGF21 Allen could probably attend if we are in public comment by then. Mario and Dave will not be attending. DONM: Wednesday September 19th.