Minutes of the OGSA-D telcon, 5th July 2007 * Roll call Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Allen Luniewski, IBM Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) We reviewed the Architecture document. Early in the document, probably section 1, we need to explain the structure that we use for tables at the start of the operation sections. We need to do some wordsmithing on the difference between data access and data transfer, particularly at the start of the data transfer section. In Section 2.1, Mario removed the list of examples as he found them unclear and not related to the notion of levels of abstraction. We discussed this and suggested that the remaining paragraph could be merged into the following section. We discussed the flow of Section 2. Mario says the subsections 2.1 - 2.5 read well, but then the flow gets a bit ragged. We came up with the follwoing suggestions: - move 2.6 (policy) into section 4 - move 2.11 (VOs) after 2.5 Perhaps we need a better discussion about levels of abstraction. This could include or follow into the section on client libraries. We could possibly add extra usage patterns into section 2.4, e.g. managed delivery. Mario will continue working on the document. We discussed possible definitions of "Data service" for the glossary. Dave to post suggestions to the mailing list. DONM: Friday, July 13th.