Minutes of the OGSA-D telcon, 28th June 2007 * Roll call Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Allen Luniewski, IBM Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) We reviewed the items that need to be addressed to get the Data Architecture document into public comment: 1. Choose a language (US vs UK English) for the document and fix spelling/grammar to match. We agreed on US English. [Done] 2. Chapter 2 needs work. It is a collection of disjoint sections. The purpose of the chapter is unclear. We must ensure that all material is where it belongs in this chapter. [Mario?] 3. Verify that chapter 3 is still consistent with what OGSA is doing these days [Allen to Send to Hiro and Andreas on Monday] 4. The comments about policy and data service in 3.7 do not belong in this chapter since they are not OGSA comments but OGSA Data comments. They probably belong in a new chapter 2 section. [Mario] 5. We need to rationalize headers in the operation tables that are at the start of chapters [Easy] 6. Chapter 9, Cache, needs to address operations on the data in the cache. e.g., how does an application get at the data in the cache? [Done] 7. Chapter 12 needs an operation table at its front [Done] 8. We need to update Appendix 13, Standards [TBD] 9. Chapter 14, Operations, needs to be created once the operations in the document are stable [Easy] 10. Chapter 15, Operation Mapping, needs to be created once the operations in the document are stable 11. The Glossary needs to be finished and validated [Done, bar "Storage Management"] 12. The references need to be finished [TBD] 13. Need to check comments in the document and either address or move to trackers with an agreement that they are V1 issues. [All] 14. We need to review current tracker artifacts and either address them in this version of the document or agree to defer them to V2. [All] 15. Review the Data Access section [Mario] DONM: Thursday, July 5th.