Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, 1st May 2007 1) Early discussion: * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Allen Luniewski, IBM The minutes were approved. 2) Action report * Completed actions [Dave] Create tracker to define Data Resource, Data Access, Data Transfer, Source and Sink. and to add note to documents saying that resources are by default data resources. [Dave] Inform OGSA WG of our new tracker. * New actions [Dave] Reply to Erwin [Dave] Put current working version into the "current" directory on GridForge. * Ongoing actions [Dave] Prepare foils for OGF20. [Dave] mail Simon to clarify the "classify" operation on metadata catalogues. [Chris] send out second draft of GFS scenario. [Dave] to create or reuse scenario slides for main OGSA slide set. * To be added to the trackers [Mike] Section 12 - Metadata Catalogue and Replication - needs to be worked on [Mario] Describe the semantics of destruction of services/data in the early section. The service has to define it's semantics. [Mario] Include a paragraph in the Appendix setting the context and scope of each of the specs. [Mario] Use the data access patterns to motivate the data access section. [Mario] In the data access section, the create operation needs to be scoped down. Maybe break it down into separate operations. [?] The glossary needs to be updated. [?] The cache section needs to be completed. [?] Appendix 1 listing specs – already done? [?] Appendix 2 summary of general interfaces – to be completed in final draft? [?] Appendix 3 mappings to specs – to be completed in final draft? [Dave] to revise the EMS/Data scenarios [?] Add Data Caching scenario [?] Add Data Warehousing scenario [Dave] Add Metadata Catalogue scenario [?] Incorporate Avaki and Oracle scenarios as motivation. [Dave] What about asynchronous operations and aborting requests? (Suspend/Resume/Abort Request) 3) Progress report Nothing to report. 4) OGF20 Dave will circulate draft foils before the end of the week. Erwin asked us about our plans, which are to submit in August. Dave will reply. Dave will put current working version into the "current" directory on GridForge. 5) Glossary We discussed the definitions and circulated an e-mail with some updates. 6) DONM 17th May 2007