Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, 9th March 2007. 1) Early discussion Roll Call: Dave Berry, NeSC Allen luniewski, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC 2) Actions We did not review the outstanding actions. Refer to the minutes of the 16th Feb telcon for a list of these actions. 3) OGF20 We agreed to request one session on either the Monday or Thursday. Dave to request OGF20 session. 4) Review of comments in the Architecture document We skipped the comments in the data access section as this is being actively worked on. We addressed all the other comments remaining. 26 were removed without action (several had been resolved previously). 4 were removed after minor edits. 5 were added as tracker items, and one new tracker item was also added. Allen to mail OGSA security group to ask whether any work exists that defines the degree of privacy supported by a service. Dave to mail Simon to clarify the "classify" operation on metadata catalogues. Dave to discuss "data resource" definition with OGSA WG. Allen to assign trackers to people. 5) AOB DONM: Friday 16th March.