Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, 16th February 2007 1) Early discussion: Roll call: Dave Berry, NeSC (Note Taker) Allen Luniewski, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Mike Behrens, Minutes from January 26th call were approved. 2) OGF19 report We had two official sessions, one reporting progress, the other on EMS/Data scenarios. We also had two long working sessions, one on each document. Allen gave a presentation at the Data Area meeting which was used to drive a discussion of the data area as a whole. OGF19 was a very productive meeting. We have detailed actions for each document. We walked through the reports from these sessions. - Mike suggested that data discovery might fit well in the discussion of metadata catalogues and offerred to take a pass on this. Mike noted a suggestion from the OGSA workflow session: JSDL activities could be made to depend on other resources and these resources need not exist at the time of specification - e.g. they may be data resources produced by other activities. This is another way that the data architecture could fit into the main OGSA architecture. 3) Action report Completed [Mario] Drop the ChildSensitivity and ParentSensitivity from the data access section. [Mario] Drop the parent resource property from the data access section. [Mario] Remove Destroy from the data access section - not addresseed in the remainder of the spec. [Mario] DataResourceManagement is removed from the data access section and may get moved to the section that deals with the destruction of services. May throw this away. [Mario] Remove the GetResourceList from the data access section; may be moved to a resource management section (along side the destruction operation). [Mario] Remove most of the DAIS stuff from the appendix of the architecture document. Include a paragraph setting the context and scope of each of the specs. [Allen] Work on the replication section. Write a couple of sentences on how to deal with the lifetime issue, for instance does deleting the master copy remove the replications. [Allen] Work on the storage chapter. Take into account feedback from OGF/ [Dave] Remove the Architectural Patterns section from the Scenarios [Dave] Remove the diagrams of entities involved in scenarios (those diagrams that don't have the steps shown as arrows). New [Dave] Submit comments on TSC [Mike] Section 12 - Metadata Catalogue and Replication - needs to be worked on. Ongoing [Mario] Describe the semantics of destruction of services/data in the early section. The service has to define it's semantics. [Mario] Include a paragraph in the Appendix setting the context and scope of each of the specs. [Mario] Mapping section - state that the stuff was derived from DAIS/ByteIO and possibly state why certain properties have not been used in the Data architecture. In general terms. [Mario] Use the data access patterns to motivate the data access section. [Mario] In the data access section, the create operation needs to be scoped down. Maybe break it down into separate operations. [?] The glossary needs to be updated. [?] Complete the appendices. Needs to be assigned. [?] The cache section needs to be completed. [?] Appendix 1 listing specs – already done? [?] Appendix 2 summary of general interfaces – to be completed in final draft? [?] Appendix 3 mappings to specs – to be completed in final draft? [Dave] to revise the EMS/Data scenarios [?] Add Data Caching scenario [?] Add Data Warehousing scenario [Dave] Add Metadata Catalogue scenario [?] Incorporate Avaki and Oracle scenarios as motivation. [Allen and Dave] to review schedule. [Chris] send out second draft of GFS scenario. [Dave] to create or reuse scenario slides for main OGSA slide set. [Dave] What about asynchronous operations and aborting requests? (Suspend/Resume/Abort Request) 4) Response to the TSC document We reviewed Dave's comments. Dave to submit to the TSC. 5) Comments in the architecture document Schedule next call to concentrate on this. 5) DONM. Possible Friday, 23rd February.