Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, 18th October 2006 1) Early discussion: Roll call: Chris Jordan, SDSCC Allen Luniewski, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Stephen Davey, NeSC (Note Taker) Minutes from the August 23 call were Approved. 2) Action report Completed actions: - All WG members to review latest version of architecture document. Sections in architecture document to be edited Data Replication – Allen Data Transfer – Allen Data Federation – Allen Security – Allen Stephen to revise joint Data/EMS scenario Dave to prepare GGF18 Data Architecture slides. Stephen to prepare GGF18 Data Scenarios slides (plus joint Data+EMS scenario?). Ongoing actions: - Chris to send out second draft of GFS scenario. - Stephen to carry on chasing Luc about the provenance scenario. - Dave to create or reuse scenario slides for main OGSA slide set. - Stephen & Dave to review scenarios doc from a storage perspective. - Dave to draft metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) Sections in architecture document to be edited (plus appropriate bits to be put in appendix 3): Intro (section 1) - Mario Data Access – Dais - Mario Data Access – ByteIO - Mario Data Description – Dave Cache Services – Dave Data Storage – Stephen Metadata Catalogues – Dave Appendix 1 listing specs – already done? Appendix 2 summary of general interfaces – to be completed in final draft? Appendix 3 mappings to specs – to be completed in final draft? Stephen to recheck/update scenarios document following F2F discussions. Dave to ask OGSA WG, when creating services how do you specify: - Lifetime of Service - (Storage) Size - Default QoS requirements - Default (security) policies - Service Location (on which Server say) - Provisioning What about asynchronous operations and aborting requests? (Dave) (Suspend/Resume/Abort Request) Allen to send Data Transfer section to DMI-WG mailing list. Dave to send Data Transfer section to SRM group (GSM-WG). Allen to put data transfer scenario into the scenarios document. 3) Progress Report. The DMI WG is now having active telcons. At GGF18 they suggested some changes to our data transfer section. At GGF18, we had some discussions with SNIA members about storage management. They are particularly interested in our storage management and replication sections and whether our interfaces can drive their work too. We were asked to include commercial scenarios - some may be already covered but we need to make that explicit. The point was made that our document describes a toolkit rather than an architecture per se; the counter to this is that our services have been designed to work together (also they are part of a broader architecture). At the OGSA F2F, we had several comments about the draft EMS/Data scenario. One suggestion was whether the access to remote data could be made more abstract, so that it could be implemented by file staging OR remote access OR cached remote access OR ... Possibly we need some variants of this scenario, one for each of these mechanisms. We need to liaise with Andreas. Jem Treadwell and Hiro Kishimoto have reviewed the architecture document. Dave, Stephen and Mario have not had time to complete their actions. 4) OGSA WG feedback Hiro Kishimoto and Jem Treadwell both reviewed our architecture document. They noted several editorial issues, included places where our text is not as clear as it could be. However, they are happy with the basic technological approach and structure. 5) Roadmap Aim for public comment at the end of the year. 6) DONM. Wednesday, 1st November