Minutes of the OGSA Data WG telcon, July 12th 2006. 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (Note taker) Allen Luniewski, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Chris Jordan, SDSC 2) Action report * New actions - Dave to mail OGSA WG list to look at our docs for Monday. - Dave to prepare some draft slides for OGSA WG F2F and send to list for review. - Mario to talk to Neil about OGSA support for factory ops. - ?? Create or reuse scenario slides for main OGSA slide set. * Ongoing actions - Chris to send out second draft of GFS scenario. - All WG members to review latest version of architecture document. - Stephen to carry on chasing Luc about the provenance scenario. - Stephen & Dave to review scenarios doc from a storage perspective. - Dave to draft metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. * Completed actions - Dave to revise Data Access section. [Done] - Dave to ask Hiro and David Martin to review the architecture document, advising them that parts are still being worked on. [Done] - Stephen to ask Luc's provenance team why they have chosen a separate provenance store. [Done] - Section authors review security aspects of their sections. [Retired] Matters arising: - Create or reuse scenario slides for main OGSA slide set. 3) Planning for OGSA-WG F2F Aims: Get OGSA to review our documents Review our docs Highlight interactions between Data & rest of OGSA (e.g. make provisioning, scheduling, reservation generic; naming, generic properties) Suggest some common scenarios Highlight gaps (File description, session management, URIs for describing query languages, etc) OGSA WG responds better to assertions rather than questions - Dave to mail OGSA WG list to look at our docs for Monday. - Dave to prepare some draft slides and send to list for review. 4) Review of architecture document Dave outlined his recent changes, primarily moving generic material out of the data access section. Alan noted that there is some confusion in the text about what is a policy and what is a property. Both can be used to describe and configure the behaviour of services and resources. Mario noted that the notes from a recent ByteIO telcon mentioned that factory operations are out of scope in OGSA. We should check what was meant by this. - Mario to talk to Neil about OGSA support for factory ops. 5) Wrap up Next telcon: July 26th