Minutes for the OGSA Data WG telcon, 28th June 2006. 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (note taker) Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Chris Jordan, SDSC 2) Action report * New actions - Chris to send out second draft of GFS scenario when agreement reached with GFS WG. - Dave to revise Data Access section. - Dave to ask Hiro and David Martin to review the document, advising them that parts are still being worked on. * Ongoing actions - All WG members to review latest version of architecture document. - Stephen to ask Luc's provenance team why they have chosen a separate provenance store. - Stephen to carry on chasing Luc about the provenance scenario. - Stephen & Dave to review scenarios doc from a storage perspective. - Dave to draft metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. - Section authors review security aspects of their sections. * Completed actions - Dave and Allen to schedule 2 sessions at GGF 18. [Done] - Chris to finish GFS scenario [Chris has sent a revised version to the GFS WG for discussion] - Dave to contact OGSA WG about the dates in the roadmap document. [Done] 3) Review of architecture document Allen has suggested some changes to the discussion of policy in section 2.4. We agreed to adopt these with an additional remark that we do not specify the negotiation process. We agreed to change the key for Figure 1 so that it says "service" instead of "data service". We also need to update the definition of "data service" in the Glossary. We agreed that the document still needs a more consistent level of detail. We discussed several possible changes to the Data Access section. In particular, some of the discussion in this section has wider applicability and could be moved to earlier sections. Dave to revise Data Access section. Dave to ask Hiro and David Martin to review the document, advising them that parts are still being worked on. 4) Wrap up Topics for future meetings - July 5: No call - July 12: Review of both documents, preparation for OGSA F2F. - July 19: ?