Minutes of the OGSA Data WG Telcon, 26th July 2006 1) Early discussion * Roll call Dave Berry, NeSC (Note Taker) Allen Luniewski, IBM Mario Antonioletti, EPCC Stephen Davey, NeSC The minutes were approved. 2) Action report * New Actions - Dave to remind OGSA WG to comment on our documents. - Allen to mail Hiro to request discussion of joint EMS/Data scenarios on an OGSA call. * Ongoing Actions - Chris to send out second draft of GFS scenario. - All WG members to review latest version of architecture document. - Stephen to carry on chasing Luc about the provenance scenario. - ?? Create or reuse scenario slides for main OGSA slide set. - Stephen & Dave to review scenarios doc from a storage perspective. - Dave to draft metadata catalog scenario & services (cf. SRB) * Completed Actions - Dave to mail OGSA WG list to look at our docs for F2F [Done] - Dave to prepare some draft slides for OGSA WG F2F and send to list for review [Done]. - Mario to talk to Neil about OGSA support for factory ops. [Done] - Ann to check the Access section for suitability for file replication. [OBE] 3) Feedback from OGSA F2F - Dave to remind OGSA WG to comment on our documents. We discussed the comments that we received from our presentation to the OGSA F2F and how we should respond. - Update diagrams in arch & Scenarios document to use same style. - Change labels in basic structures diagram The OGSA WG raised the question of whether there is an interface to access managed storage? We discussed this. If such an interface exists, it would be to raw storage (e.g. disk blocks). A file system or DB system would be a resource stored on that storage and would be accessed by its own interface. In our architecture, any interface to the raw storage would be a source or sink interface for data transfer. The composite entities diagram should repeat the interfaces for the cache and federation services and also add management interfaces. The replication service doesn't fit on this diagram; perhaps have three diagrams? The OGSA WG asked whether Streamable ByteIO could be used in the Pipelining scenario. This would be a "pull" alternative to the current "push" implementation. We agreed to add this version. Change "read files" to "transfer files" in the bringing stuff online. Add explanatory text about the options (if not already present). Rename "Parameter Space Exploration Service" to "Workflow" or "Script"? Look at the way we define policy and agreement in the light of the OGSA 1.5 Glossary. Common properties - just add note to text noting possibility of further generalisation. CoreResourceList - link to WS-Naming. Expand data description to have one para for each of files, relational, XML, ... 4) Plannning. We need to work on the following: - Changes to arch document from feedback. - Changes to scenarios doc from feedback. - Add interfaces to docs. Allen to mail Hiro to request discussion of joint EMS/Data scenarios on an OGSA call. 5) Wrap up Next call: Aug 16th.