This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7616?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:41:04 GMT CGS-WG GGF8 Meeting Minutes

Thanks to Andrea for the minutes!

Review of agenda
Status of JSIM work - Lastest UML and spec, Open issues, Plans for GGF9
Future of CGS-WG
Other business

UML Review:

QueueStatisticalData - Clarify that RunningJobs and WaitingJobs are gauges
Desire to reflect current information
Does JobsRun as a counter make sense here? As minimalist piece of data that can have metrics
added (time series analysis, etc.) - makes sense but this is slippery slope of accounting data
Do we need more properties related to cost, time, ...? This is a first approximation - consider this for
future release
What about a job that a user or system has suspended - This is job status, not queue info
Starting job is considered "running" job?
When a job is running - is the job still on the queue (counted in NumberOnQueue)? Suggestion to remove
NumberOnQueue in lieu of running and waiting job data
Waiting jobs - Actively moving forward and/or pending for the queue
JobRecoverySettingData - Properties into JobSettingData and Job
Don't want a 1-1 mandatory association between ALL jobs and ALL recovery data
GroupOfSystems - Replaced by ConcreteCollection, as generic "bag" of elements
Ellen showed updated UML and will add information regarding what properties are counters/gauges

Review of bugzilla items:

Brokering considerations - Covered by existing model
DeleteOnCompletion issue relative to OSGA lifecycle - Still pending
More job information/detail - Yes, covered by existing model - Can close
BatchJobGroup - Ellen has use case and will update bug

Status of JSIM work:

Finalize and submit for October meeting
Peter Geitz will produce XML Schema for this - Need to work with DMTF on design of the schema
and DMTF will produce tools to generate to/from MOF-XML Schema
CIM V2.8 in prelim release - July 2003 (including changes above)
CIM V2.8 in final release - October 2003

Future of CGS:

General charter is to enhance CIM for use on the grid
First work was job submission model
Do we disband or delve further into useful job/queue data?
What about long-running jobs and those that never finish?
Could think about these as resources and the suggested DAIS work
Seems to overlap with CIM System and Service classes
What about the DAIS work?
Extending CIM in the areas of resources, resource managers, features installed,
physical/software/transaction/security capabilities, ...
Access and integrate data on the grid - Modeled constructs (running software, dbms, ...)
Don't want something unique - but common
Well-defined services, interactions and capabilities
Talking about extending the CIM Schema - and SerivceData specification as for jobs
Charter broad but tasks specific
Joint working group meeting/call
Larry to collect pointers to info from DMTF and DAIS - over the next 2 weeks or so
Joint call w/in a month or so to discuss


This is a static archive of the previous Open Grid Forum Redmine content management system saved from host file /dmsf_files/7616?download= at Fri, 04 Nov 2022 18:41:04 GMT