CGS WG Meeting GGF6 Chicago 10/15/02 2:00-3:30PM Minutes taken by Viktor Mihajlovski As both chairs of the group, Peter Gietz and Carl Kesselmann cannot attend, Ellen Stokes and Larry Flon have volunteered to lead the CGS sessions. There will be 3 meetings of this group during GGF6 Session 1 (Constitutional Session) Joint Meeting of the CGS/Damed/NM WGs Session 2 (JSIM Document Discussion) Session 1 (this meeting) Agenda CGS WG Overview CIM Tutorial Issues for Session 2 Overview (Larry) Charter: Enhance CIM for Grid usage Goals: Design CIM Schema for Job Submission (JSIM), map schema to XML/LDAP The schema will comprise Job Queues, Jobs, Scheduling. Schema Document has been sent to the WG Mailing list for review, additionally Larry has published the URL of the document. Q: Is this the Glue schema? A: Based on the Glue schema and derived from CIM System Model. Introduction to CIM (Ellen - presentation will be made online) CIM refresher MOF Model guidance Extending the schema Using CIMOMs Mapping CIM (XML/LDAP) Session 2 on Thursday will be used mainly to collect and discuss issues, the participants are asked to prepare themselves by reading the document. Q: CIM is O/S-centric, but Grid isn't about the low level stuff, it deals with schedulers, etc. A: CIM as a model can be used to define low and high level stuff and combine it. Notes from the audience: Platform could implement providers for LSF. NCSA is developing PBS providers.