List of the particpants Ravi Madduri from ANL Paul Miller from Univ of Glasgow Michel from Fujitsu Gavin from CERN Minutes from last two telecons are approved Action Items: 1. All usecases should be consolidated. 2. Gavin and Ravi can start on initial usecase consolidation doc. 3. Michel will draft the first draft of functional spec.. would be ready about 2nd week of jan. So we can discuss it at OGF. 4. Everybody on the list should send mail if they are attending at OGF 5. Michel will consolidate the reply to ogsa data wg. 6. Ravi added OGF events to the calendar Public Draft should be ready by March 2007. We really have to start working on the doc and some more particpation is needed. We should define the shape of the document. Michel has gotten requests whether we are doing anything in the group. We cannot say anything on the usecases as we need to read them first. Michel,Ravi are going on vacation through first week of jan.. some work can be expected to be done Michel : Will look at RNS spec and see how it fits with arch specified in OGSA-Data WG. Gavin: DMI service management is interesting.. Ravi: Start with simple data types where the transfers are represented as string with protocol handlers Resource model will be a thing for contention from the experience of BES.. for eg: representation of faults.. WS-I representation will be targeted. at OGF19 1. discuss funct spec, use case specs OGF planning : two sessions are scheduled at OGF Next Telecon no call on 20th dec,27th dec, 3rd jan next call 10th jan