{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Meeting notes January 24, 2007\par \par Attendees:\par \par James Casey, Ravi Madduri, Michel Drescher\par \par Minutes:\par 1. Notes are approved with following \par \par James Casey wanted to put an item in the agenda to scope the participation and contribution of FTS group to the working group. \par \par Accelarator going online in Sept. Gavin and Paolo need to focus on operations. DMI is very close to LCG's timeline and it is something they can contribute on. James decided to cover for paolo and gavin. \par \par We decided to request area chairs to take more participation in DMI. We did a cross check on whether we are all on same page with respect to general arch proposed by michel. And we agreed that we agree on factory interface and several not competing factory instances. James proposed to have more focused and longer working meeting than a lot of small background tasks.\par \par Michel gave a presentation on WG strategy\par \par Action Items:\par 1. (For everybody) Check with the employers whether it is feasible to pursue a idea of DMI F2F. \par 2. James will send an email to Erwin Re: participation in DMI at OGF\par 3. James will send slides abstracting usecases \par 4. Ravi will send slides about mission and goals( Saturday evening)\par \par }