GGF Network Measurements Working Group Internal document Eric Boyd, Dan Gunter, Martin Swany Requirements for the Network Measurements Response Schema Abstract This document describes the requirements for reporting network measurements to Grid middleware. Current projects that could use this functionality include Internet2 [I2] and the DANTE project [DANTE]. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Introduction 2. Terminology 3. Report contents 3.1. General 3.2 Identifier 3.3. Characteristic 3.4. Subject 3.5. Methodology 3.6. Results 4. Metadata/data separation 5. Unresolved issues 6. References 1. Introduction A prime requirement for reports of network measurements is a common data model and format. Network measurements are available from a large variety of tools and infrastructures. Different Grid sites will naturally choose differently from among those available. Although the actual information reported by these tools is fundamentally similar, to compare the results from different sites Grid middleware needs a common data model and format. The data model and format should be expressible in an XML schema language. The Grid middleware tools are all moving towards, or already using, Web Services technology. The basic data format used in Web Services is XML; thus, the measurement reports should be serializable as XML. To easily guarantee this, the formal schema for the measurement reports should be an XML schema language, such as W3C XML Schema or OASIS RELAX NG. Note that this does not require that all measurement reports actually be nested angle-bracket tags, only that the model would allow that form of serialization. Now we have established the need for an XML schema. The rest of this document describes the requirements for the contents of that schema. 2. Terminology The issuer of a report is called a "reporter", and the receiver of that report is called a "reportee". A "characteristic" is defined as in [HIER]: the intrinsic properties of a portion of the network that are related to the reliability and performance of the network. The "subject" is the portion of the network being measured. This corresponds to the term "network entity" in [HIER]. The "methodology" is the means of making the measurement. 3. Report contents 3.1. General requirements Where possible and appropriate, use should be made of equivalent schema element names and structures to those contained in the NMWG request schema. To allow implementations maximum flexibility in "batching" data in reports, each network measurement report may contain, subject to restrictions imposed by the request, any number of data samples and statistics for any number of network "characteristics" (see 2.2) measured on any number of network portions. This, of course, includes the simple case of one sample for one characteristic on a single network path. The reporter and reportee are assumed to have synchronized clocks, e.g. by using an NTP implementation, or by direct synchronization with a GPS time source. This assumption makes it possible to report timestamps directly, not as relative times. In several places below, the requirement for "extensibility" is expressed. To allow reportees to easily recognize elements that are extensions of the existing declared structures, the serialization format should clearly indicate in a general way which elements are extensions. In XML, this should be done through XML namespaces: any element from a foreign namespace is an extensibility element, and a processor can quickly decide how it should process the element (e.g. ignore it) from the namespace. 3.2. Identifier To provide correlation between request and response over connectionless transports, and to add robustness over connection-oriented transports, each response should carry an (opaque) identifier. This identifier will be identical to the identifier provided in the corresponding request. 3.3. Characteristic One or more network characteristics must be present in a report. The network characteristics in [HIER] should be used, and extended or modified as necessary. All characteristics should be named according to the DAMED-WG hierarchical naming convention [DAMED]. When more than one characteristic is being reported, the report must clearly specify which parts of the report contents correspond with each characteristic. 3.4. Subject One or more subjects must be present in a report. Where possible, the abstract model presented in [HIER] should be followed to classify and represent the subject. The representation of the subject should be extensible so that new network topologies or addressing schemes can be added without rewriting the schema. If more than one subject is present, the mapping between subjects and the rest of the report's contents must be clearly specified. The identifiers used for the subject, such as IP addresses or MAC addresses, should, where possible and practical, be globally unique. However, it is understood that for security or other implementation reasons this may not always be possible. At a minimum, the identifier for a given subject must be unique within a given network report, and should be consistent across reports between the same reporter and reportee. 3.5. Methodology The methodology may be present in the report. If there are multiple characteristics or subjects, or both, there may be multiple methodologies present; in this case, the mapping between methodology and the rest of the report contents must be clear. If present, the methodology should specify what software or hardware tool(s) were used to make the measurement, and what those tools' parameters were during the measurement. When different portions of the subject used different tools (or tool versions), the tool(s) should be reported separately for each portion. For example, if the client and server in an `iperf' test had different software versions, the version information should be reported separately for each endpoint. A pre-defined set of parameters should be formulated, based on [PROF]. This set should be extensible with arbitrary new parameters. 3.6. Results One or more results must be present in the report. The results are all the measured, or "observed", (time-varying) values and associated statistics. Each result value is associated with exactly one combination of characteristic, subject, and methodology. These combinations may each be associated with multiple results. A single result must specify the time interval(s) for the observed values, and then zero or more observed values, and zero or or more "statistics" derived from all the observed values (not necessarily just the subset of the observed values that were reported). A time interval consists of one or two timestamps. If it has one timestamp, t1, it means "ending at time t1". If it has two timestamps, t1 and t2, the semantics are "from t1 to t2, inclusive". The time intervals could be disjoint, as in occasional pings, or could be continuous, as in the periodic reports from an iperf. For continuous periodic reports, only the first time interval would need two timestamps; successive time intervals would simply indicate the time of the next report. Also, if practical, the smallest time interval including all the individual result time intervals should also be reported (assuming that it's easy for the reporter to calculate this). Results should have a type, i.e. be a named schema structure. The result types should follow the NM-WG CIM profile and related IPPM documents. The schema must be extensible in this area, i.e it must allow arbitrary result types to be included without invalidating the report. Result types may have arbitrary complexity, although implementation considerations discourage complex hierarchical structures. Statistics must also be extensible. They may or may not be typed. Standard statistics that must be supported are min, max, mean, median, and confidence interval. For improved responsiveness, requestors may indicate that the data from reports be delivered in "batches" of some size. To allow for this, the results should always indicate whether they are the first, middle, or last of a batch of results. A shorthand may be useful to indicate, in the case where no batching was used, that the result is both the first and last of the batch. For example, the possibilities "first", "middle", "last" could be expanded to include "only". Optionally, additional information about batch size, number of results so far, and number of results remaining may be reported. 4. Data/metadata separation Have at it, Martin! :-) 5. Unresolved issues This is a list, in no particular order, of issues to which the group has zero or more than one answer. - Should all unrecognized extensions to the known schema (e.g. unrecognized XML namespaces) be ignored, or should the decision to ignore or raise an error be left up to the (reportee) implementation? 6. References [DAMED] GGF DAMED "An analysis of "Top N" Event Descriptions": [DANTE] [HIER] GGF NM-WG "A Hierarchy of Network Performance Characteristics for Grid Applications and Services": [I2] [GHPN] GGF Grid High Performance Networking Research Group (GHPN-RG): [IPERF] Iperf: [NTP] IETF "RFC 958: Network Time Protocol (NTP)": [PROF]