LSG-RG session GGF8 Seattle, Wednesday 10:00 AM-11:30 Attendance 35 Chairs: Abbas Farazdel, Dave Angulo Secretary: Larry Ang Minutes prepared by: Dave Angulo * Need a leader for a team (subcommittee) to create a document to standardize architecture * The group might write a document saying what is important in creating a Life Sciences Grid * Need a leader for a team (subcommittee) to create a document on workflow * GGF9 & GGF10 working sessions only. * The group will have once a year workshop with presentations that will become published in a refereed journal (New Generations Computing Magazine) * The group needs to have subcommittees dividing the life sciences into areas. Each subcommittee will create a document covering that area. Example areas: medical informatics, pharmaceuticals, medical imaging, etc. These areas need to be determined by the group. Question to group: how should the divisions be made? * Comment Batra: need an affiliation with Data Grids. * Comment Mark Miller, UCSD: we need to prioritize and select a couple of things that we can deliver by October. Workflow, Reference Architecture, Requirements Documents, Survey * Comment Mark Miller: To what degree do we want to agree on standards? * Comment: What we really want to generate are requirements or use cases. * Mark Miller, UCSD: We should target requirements document. Mark would be happy to lead that. * Comment Larry Ang: Survey just gives an overview of what is there now, but we need a database of researchers and projects so that people can find collaborators. Harvard Medical school has such a database that you can search by research area, geographical area. This goes beyond survey and makes the information really useful. The question is how to populate such a database. * Mark Miller has a simple Excel spreadsheet with some information like this that he generated by memory. Mark will lead the effort to collect and distribute this information with Karpjou Joung and Vincent Breton. * Comment (an NCSA person): NCSA has a database of 60,000 applications. It's at Comment: two problems with survey now (1) questions aren't good (2) people unwilling to fill out. What is important is the requirements document. * Comment (Satoshi): The group should start planning now for any workshop in Frankfurt or Hawii. Also, any discussions should occur on GridForge (which has e-mail capabilities).