Date: 17 July 2006 Participants: Jay Unger, IBM Ellen Stokes, IBM Ravi Subramanian, Intel Hiro Kishimoto, Fujitsu Michel Drescher, Fujitsu Andreas Savva, Fujitsu Pete Ziu, Northrop Grumman Stephen McGough, Imperial College Andrew Grimshaw, UoV ** The future of JSDL (version 2.0?) ** - The group discusses what implications the new proposed information model structure may have on the future of JSDL. - Andrew states that JSDL combines purely informational information on jobs and users with imperative information that is used to execute the job properly (e.g. user login name) - Jay and Ravi both stated that the adoption of the "class-ad" like, symetrical, two part (Description / Requirements) model for both resources and jobs actually is a pretty significant architectural change that affects a number of different WGs including, but probably not limited to: JSDL, RSS, BES, Advanced Reservations, etc. Further Jay pointed out that many of the categories (Job Info, Application, Data Staging, Resources) elements currently defined in JSDL will sort mostly into either the Description or Requirements space but some of the elements contained in these categories may divide between Description and Requirements section in JSDL 2.0 (or whatever we decide to call it). - There was a fairly long discussion of the fact that some of the categories of information in JSDL (like the Application stuff) is really more about Description of "what to run" or "how to run it" (like program name, path, environment variables etc.) and that stuff probably belongs to be in the Description area. - Ravi mentioned that he thought that it would be nice to be able to specify information that is relatively invariant across a number of instances (job) once as opposed to repeating it in every document. There was general discussion of how this could be accomplished with REF= attributes at various points in the document, and there seemed to be general consensus that having such a reference methodolgy would be good. - Andrew pointed out that in some cases a more "abstract" document might "resolve" into a more "concrete" form as the document passes through the various stages of Execution Management and that the resolution of the references might actaully depend on what "path" (e.g. what scheduling domain, nodes, environments, etc.) are actually choosen to run the job in. Jay agreed with this point of view and said he thought that was a valauble mechanism in its own right appart from simple "template like" references. - There was some discussion about specific element names that might be choosen at for both high level (container) parts of the document hierarchy and more discrete values but there was not any real progress on making a concrete list with anything lile agreed to semantics. Ravi and Jay have agreed offline that neither the words "Capability" or "Feature" are likely sufficiently semantically broad to be candidates for the top level dichotomy though they may have some value in the hierarchy lower down. ** Action Items ** 1) Jay proposed that the JSDL folks should do a mapping from the current JSDL elements / terminology into the new information model structure (Proposed split into Description and Requirements)