Description: As it stands INFOD publisher notification is a separate message Type. INFOD registry uses this message type to inform the interested INFOD publishers about changes in contents of the INFOD registry. This message type introduces two semantically different INFOD notify types and also distinguishes between the INFOD Publishers and INFOD Registry as a publisher. Proposed Resolution: It is possible to create a boot strapping process for the INFOD Registry, such a process registers INFOD Registry with itself. The registration process will populate the data vocabulary and the vocabulary instances with static data to enumerate the message formats and semantics of publication by an INFOD Registry. It will also register INFOD registry as a default publisher with itself. When INFOD publishers register with the INFOD registry they explicitly select of whether or not they will like to be notified of the changes. For those publishers that wish to be notified a subscription will be registered and subsequent notification messages could then be sent. Advantages: With the proposed change there exists only one semantic meaning for INFOD notify message type. It also presents a neater desgin. ACTIONS: a. Write a seperate sub-section in section 2, to describe the boot strap process for the registry. b. Modify the message description in section 3.