IPshere & OGSA-WG joint call Minutes - 8 December 2005 ===================================== * Participants Kevin Dillon (Juniper, IPshpere consortium) Jim Alateras (IPshpere consortium) Franco Travostino (Nortel, GGF Infrastracture AD) Andrew Grimshaw (UVa, OGSA-WG) Mark Morgan (UVa, OGSA-WG) Michael Behrens (R2AD LLC, OGSA-WG) Frank Siebenlist (ANL, OGSA-WG) Hiro Kishimoto (Fujitsu, OGSA-WG) Many thanks to Andrew, Hiro, and anybody who dialed in. Kevin Dillon (the IPsphere Chairman, http://www.ipsphereforum.org/) quickly introduced the Forum (slides available if you're interested). In short, they are building a SOA-based service plane for inter-provider dynamic stipulations (one could call it a "service grid" wherein SLAs are the defining asset). Andrew gave an insightful overview of OGSA. The motivations and context for the OGSA body of work clearly resonated with the Forum. Their questions were in the areas of technology maturity, security, adherence to WS-related efforts, validation of scalability and interoperability. We concluded with a high-level description of WS-Agreement and Hiro asking questions to position the Forum with regard to TMF, ITU, NGN. Salient points in my notes: - the IPsphere Forum concerns with both specifications and reference running code - their work is not publicly available though there is sentiment that it will be shortly (specification wise at least) - we stated that GGF is not equipped to deal with material other than public domain - they will be taking a close look at the OGSA and WS-A collection of GFDs and GWDs (I will be their 1st line facilitator) - they will expedite the release of their specifications to the public for GGFers to gain better feel for where they're at - at their next meeting (Burbank, CA, Feb 13-16), hosted at Universal Studios, they wish to make a statement to their constituency with regard to having intercepted GGF work and the scope for further leverage - there is interest in a bi-lateral liaison with an action register. I will keep you informed of further developments. -franco Franco Travostino, Director Advanced Technology, CTO Office Nortel Boston, MA