INFOD Unresolved Issues ======================= This is a list of open issues. Each issue has a serial number, once it is resolved it is moved to a companion document of resolved issues ============================================================================== ============================================================================== 2 What are components of the manifest section of the infod data (and metadata) message? this is the message that is sent to the consume or notifyupdate operations. Once that is described, scenarios like rgma can decide whether they can use that format to publish and essentially support the PO Box at the publisher site A document has been circulated - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Shailendra - Target date: 28 Jul 2005 5 Do we need consumptions as well as subscriptions? So far it appears not - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Dieter, Cecile - Target date: None 7 How are registry object updates broadcasted to interested infod player for ex, how new subscriptions are found by publishers - describe how notifying/finding appropriate consumers for metadata messages - specs don't do it now (notifyUpdate interface half spec'ed) and we didn't discuss at F2F (Animation scenario feedback) A dup issue: due to the dynamic nature of publications, publishers, etc., a subscription may need to include information about how to notify consumers of changes to the subscription dependencies (additional publishers, removal of publishers that occur over time, etc.). What is the interaction between parameters of subscription - their dependencies? Subscription parameters are infod object components that may interact with each other (what happens if data filter exists but not association, or if both exist, or none...) - Describing interaction will help readers understand these components better and simplify section 3 as at least one is required but not clear what non-provided parm means (means all as in '*' or means NULL...). These are the interactions between the INFOD registry and the INFOD objects: * The objects request modifications through the create/alter/dropINFODResource interface In response to such a request the INFOD registry will identify with publishers are publishing or are able to publish the requested information and limit the selection using any criteria that is part of the publisher and consumer specification. * If the INFOD registry is unable to verify the expression related to the data it will request verification by at least one publisher using a web services interface. * If requested the subscriber will be notified - using the consumption interface - to select publishers and subscribers of interest. * If requested the publisher will be notified - using the consumption interface - about the changes: new/changed/dropped subscriptions and new/changed/dropped subscribers. Note: * If the publisher (or subscriber) has not implemented the consumption interface the information will be made available using the POBOX. That is associated to an INFOD registry. This will be in the next draft - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Cecile, Dieter - describe options - propose parms - summarize pbm - discuss scalability - target date: 1 Sep 2005 8 How does registry handles EPRs, especially when logical EPRs for expressions? logicalEPRs don't current support expressions - define how to do so - indirection Shailendra will contact Abdeslem and Cecile if necessary - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Abdeslem, Shailendra - describe options - summarize pbm - also, quick description of what an EPR is - Target date: 1 Sep 2005 15 Which (if any) components support transformations? Are they supported by consumptions? consumption  has different  use-cases:    replication,  fan-out with same subscription and different consumer    transforms, different channel    options for a given consumer, (followup at - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Shailendra and Dieter - Target date: 31 Aug 2005 16 How do we deal with retention periods? Separation of data retention from data publishing - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Dieter - Target date: 31 Aug 2005 17 How do the propagation interface(s) differ from the consume interfaces and what is stored in the registry? - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Shailendra, Cecile - Target date: 4 Aug 2005 18 Should we be looking at other rule specifications and consolidate/align with them? E.g. This applies to transform definitions. Specs need to document approach taken. Also we are oriented towards putting things in multiple queues right now. But the consumer may not want to be able to see those queues, especially cross-VO. So we need a mechanism for replaying past events without the producer understanding the ID structure of the consumer. The consumer just wants to get the information; it shouldn't have to know what the underlying structure was. - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Shailendra - Target date: 20 What is a Vocabulary? Making sure concerns, questions raised in 2 appends below are addressed in section 8 of specs: - - From ed technologies such as 'Recommendation Engines' known from Business Intelligence. See      - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Dieter, Shailendra, - Target date: 31 Aug 2005 21 How should vocabularies appear in the spec and in which levels? how much of the vocabulary management issue really belongs in our spec explicitly, instead of being considered a "meta" problem that "everyone" will have to deal with? We would like our basic specification to not rely on some vocabulary manager at least at the lowest level. We will pick a vocab or two and just use it. A generic vocabulary management will not be part of the INFOD specification. The INFOD registry, however, will support elementary vocabulary functionality. * The INFOD registry will be able to determine which objects support which vocabulary by comparing the vocabulary type (e.g., XML, SQL) and the name of the vocabulary. * If a vocabulary represents an XML schema and an expression is within the boundaries of XQuery, the INFOD registry will be able to determine if an expression is valid. Additional vocabulary support has to be given by the publishers (and maybe) the subscribers. If an expression references a non-XML vocabulary, publisher will be requested to validate the expressions There will be no support for vocabulary transformation; a publisher will not be identified even if the publishers could provide information when using a transformation. This function will be deferred until there is a generic vocabulary support. Maybe we won't need this at all - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Dieter - Target date: 21 July 2005 22 Should we add a workflow Use Case - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Dieter - target date: GGF15 23 How does INFOD relate to OREP? OREP includes in its charter replication specifications so positioning is necessary between OREP (file only ?) and INFOD. - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Cecile - target date: 31 Aug 2005 (talk to Ann - follow-up with David Martin - may close OREP) 24 How do security issues apear in the spec? One specific aspect is how registry decides who can delete the publication_types and other objects? - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Vijay and Dieter - target date: 10 Sep 2005 25 Can INFOD implement R-GMA semantics? - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owners: Steve - target date: After next draft 26 How do operational things appear in the spec? This info that applies to INFOD resources is not specifically addressed in this version of the specifications. How does OGSA do active management of resources? Typically, the resource is expected to be queryable. We propose to use a MIB-style structure ("resource properties") at the producers/consumers/disseminators to control them. We would prefer not to burden the registry with this functionality. OGSA is currently proposing to use the OASIS WS-DistributedManagement for this functionality for hardware-style management, but it might be too low-level for INFOD. There was some discussion about what this meant. It would appear that stopping a service is out of scope but that suspending a suncsription - i.e. an operation on the registry contents, is in scope. Some questions remain: do we expose all (?) properties of object as resource properties ? do we use 1 interface (thus 1 resource properties doc) - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owners: Abdeslem - Target date: 27 What's special about INFOD disseminators? * Retention of information * Querying information * Auditing and tracking - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owners: Abdeslem - Target date: after current rewrite (4. Aug 2005) 28 Do we need a general interface for verifying specifications against a vocabulary. This is something we had been avoiding so far - but it appears to be very necessary for the proper functioning of the registry. It might be interal to the registry, or it might be externalized to other infod actors. Which should it be? Concensus seems to be, at least for now, that it is internal to the registry. - Date: 21 Jul 2005 - Owners: Dieter - Target date: 11 Aug 2005 29