INFOD Resolved Issues ===================== This is a list of resolved issues. ============================================================================== 1 What is infod scope wrt publishers and when infod influences messages and when it doesn't? the stages involved are creation of messages (which infod can influence), making messages available for transmission, and actual dissemination of messages. We end up discussing scope of infod over and over again, either when asking if infod publishers may publish without subscriptions, or infod publishers may support the equivalent of a dpublish, etc. So what is needed is clear statement on scope of infod as it relates to the infod influence on message lifetime. - description of item in Chicago f2f chat section 10:10:49 on 6/27 - action item is to add description in Ch1 of specs to hopefully clarify scope. There are three distinct stages in the Publishing process (1) Observation of the Situation and its noteworthy characteristics; (2) Creation of the NotificationMessage artifact that captures the noteworthy characteristics of the Situation; and (3) Distribution of copies of the NotificationMessage to zero or more interested parties. Stages (1) and (2) happen largely outside of the scope of the WS-Notification architecture; WSN does not restrict the means by which these stages must occur. WSN refers to an entity that performs stages 1 and 2 as a Publisher INFOD enables subscribers to influence (1) and (2) by explicitly permitting subscribers to refer to predefined or application defined situations and to cause the publisher to execute processes (usually pre-installed) that issue messages that correspond to the subscribers requirements A publisher is an entity that creates messages. There are three stages involved in the creation of a messages before it is distributed to consumers * detection of an event of interest * Creation of an appropriate message * making that message ready for distribution The publisher may control the first two stages or, if it is a web service, it may allow other entities (subscribers) to specify at run time what an event is and what messages to create. These advanced capabilities are specific to InfoD and provide more fine-grained control on what gets published, in a dynamic way. For stage three, the publisher either * takes on the duty of distributing messages to relevant consumers. In this case stages 2 and 3 are the same. or * pushes those messages to a Disseminator (this is stage 3) that will distribute them to relevant consumers on its behalf. A publisher that also distributes messages, may obtain the list of consumers through an out of band mechanism or by querying the InfoDregistry. If the publisher wishes to be discovered by potential subscribers it must register itself in the InfoDregistry. If it wishes to be notified about changes to relevant consumers and subscribers, it needs to be a web services and subscribe for notifications with the InfoDregistry. - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Abdeslem - target date: 21 Jul 2005 - Resolved: 21 Jul 2005 3 Is PO Box at the publisher site supported in infod? RGMA scenario: publish against a publisher allowed ? SensorNet also: infod recommendation on granularity of publisher to be documented This is addressed in the patterns note - the answer is yes - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Dieter, Cecile - Target date: Aug ? - Resolved: 21 Jul 2005 4 Should a publication "do" anything? Page 4, para 4: "a publication specifies..." the first part is fine but then you say it "makes available". I don't think a publication should *do* anything. The answer is no - this will be part of Action 5 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: - target date: - Resolved: 14 Jul 2005 6 How do we relate to OGSA profiles? The problem is the use of WSN - which is currently mandated - the base one only. If we want to be compliant we need to refactor around base notifications now. This will be included along with issue 14 as action 35 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Abdeslem, Cecile - Target date: - Resolved: 4 Aug 2005 9 How does the registry decide who can delete the publication_types and other objects? This will be addressed as part of issue 24 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - tentative Owner: need to ask Vijay to document summary of the requirement - eventual proposal - target date: - after documenting requirement, propose to defer item & use rationale from DAIS for which it is also deferred (ask Susan for it) - dependent upon issue 7 - Resolved: 14 Jul 2005 10 What is the interaction between parameters of subscription - their dependencies? Subscription parameters are infod object components that may interact with each other (what happens if data filter exists but not association, or if both exist, or none...) - Describing interaction will help readers understand these components better and simplify section 3 as at least one is required but not clear what non-provided parm means (means all as in '*' or means NULL...) This will be addressed as part of issue 7 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Dieter - target date: 14 July - Resolved: 14 Jul 2005 11 How does INFOD relate to WS-RF and WS-ResourceLifetime? Topics about Resource Management (naming, versioning and change management of resources) is not part of the INFOD scope yet some specific components are expected by the INFOD model, in particular: time of a change, a reference to an identity to record responsibility for the change, time when a version becomes valid, time when a version expires, a schedule when this version is valid, etc. Document current positioning wrt to wsrf (a few papers were summarizing this already) it might mean that we end up trying to build on top of or align with WS-BaseNotification, because it is part of the OGSA Basic Profile Document current positioning wrt to wsn (ref: WS-ResourceLifetime is a specification that allows us to destroy resources. Does this have any sort of versioning? Not obviously - this could be used for planned updates? There is no scheduling component to this specification - it is about handling instances, not any evolutionary aspects of a service. We will still have to have our own creation mechanisms. Now just needs writing up - merge with action 26 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owners: Abdeslem, Cecile - Target date: 28 Jul 2005 - Resolved: 25 Aug 2005 12 Can we provide INFOD services as an extension to WS-BaseNotify? This will be included along with issue 14 as action 35 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Susan - target date: - Resolved: 4 Aug 2005 13 How do WS-Eventing, WS-N and INFOD relate and can we provide INFOD services as an extension to WS-BaseNotify What's the difference between a disseminator and a WSN broker? publication and WSN topic? Vocabulary and WSN filter? Can WSN send message directly to a consumer by name? Publications are defined by topics in WSN, how does that differ from INFOD mechanisms for controlling publications through vocabularies? This will be included along with issue 14 as action 35 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Susan, Abdeslem - target date: - Resolved: 4 Aug 2005 14 How do we break the spec into multiple documents defining different levels of INFOD? decomposition of interfaces, and factoring of this specification into related specification documents The proposed factoring is as follows, from simple to more complex scenarios: - Information Dissemination from publishers to consumers, allowing subscribers to subscribe on behalf of 3rd party consumers - Information Dissemination with one or more disseminators, but without propagation requirements between disseminators (disseminators do not talk to each other yet provide decoupling of publishers/subscribers/consumers interaction) - Information Dissemination with one or more disseminators and with possible propagation between disseminators (delivery of the ‘intelligent cloud’ of figure 2 above). Another proposal from F2F was to look at the list of Requirements, and pick a few that are doable short term, and use it to drive the factoring from simple to more complex scenarios - and use that work to see how the 2 relate to each other (ie common short term items from both) Is file replication part of INFOD, or OREP ? and if part of INFOD, part of base specs ? (ref: Have it aligned with wsn base: have infod base, one for broker - disseminator(s) This will be included along with others issues as action 35 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Cecile - Target date: 4 Aug 2005 - Resolved: 4 Aug 2005 19 Do we need the event taxonomy mentioned in the glossary? Yes - this will be mentioned as part of action 20 - Date: 1 Jul 2005 - Owner: Vijay - target date: - Resolved: 14 Jul 2005